General - other |   5476

General - other


This is Durga Prasad from Andhra University Vizag.Hai friends!!!!!   FreshersWorld helped me a lot to place myself in WIPRO.  So I would like to share my experience so that it would be of help to others who are trying hard to be placed in a company. I attended WIPRO on 13-06-08. The selection procedure consists of three rounds.
Written Test
Technical Interview
HR Interview

Written Test: It again consists of three sections(50 Questions). Total time for written test is 60minutes.No NEGATIVE marking. But u have sectional cutoff. But for non-IT students cutoff for Technical section would be less. Don’t worry about it.
1. Aptitude&Reasoning---20questions
2. Verbal----20questions
3. Technical---10questions
Total 50 questions and 60 minutes.

Aptitude&Reasoning: For aptitude just see RS.Agarwal.
· one question on mixtures (easy)
·  Time & Work
·  One problem on Trains
·  Blood Relationships
·  Time and distance
·  Problem on ages
·  Reasoning questions(2-3questions)
·  In a class D is taller than C but less than B.C is taller than A.E is tallest. Who is shorter?
Few other questions but easy ones.Important thing is that it is time consuming with out good practice.

Find correct spelling from the following:….Another question of same type
1 antonym, 1 accronym, One word substitute, active to passive voice
Arrange letters into a meaningful word  
O p t c i
1 2 3 4 5
1)54123    2)12543  3)31254   4)42315

Technical Section:
Question mainly based on C, Unix such as binary conversion, simple but logical programmes 

After Written Test next comes Technical Interview. My interviewer was very cool. Though I was tensed before going into the panel but as I entered I felt myself cool and comfortable.there are different panels with specializations.
Questions I was posed were:
Basics of C, simple Programs (for non-IT),Core subject
I answered all the questions. The interviewer gave me HR form and i am supposed to attend to HR interview. Be Confident in what ever u say. Then u can definitely get through.

HR Interview:
I was asked normal questions like
Tell about yourself, Why Wipro?, Why should I hire u?, what is unique thing about u?, what is your goal in your life?, what r your improvements in life?........
Finally he asked me if I had any questions to ask. . He explained about it and t
I did it well. 

Our results were announced on 14th june at 7.30 pm. 126members were selected from our college and I was one among them.Don’t give up though u don’t succeed. Don’t loose your hope and strengthen your willpower and try and try and try until u reach your goal and one day u will definitely reach your goal.
Total attended:700(appox)
Written test:353(appox)
Technical Interview:156

ALL THE BEST .Meet u all in WIPRO.

Durga Prasad.
