General - other |   5393

General - other


This is ABHISHEK KR. DWIVEDI. I got selected in WIPRO Technologies on 9th Feb 2008. Here is my experience.
written consists of following 3 sections:
1. Verbal
2. Analytical
3. Technical 

In verbal types of ques were:
-fill in d blanks,
-deriving conclusion,logical sequence of sentences,
-meaning of word etc. 

In analytical section problems on 
-time distance,
-permutation n combination,
-ages,profit n loss etc.
U can refer R.S. Agarwal (just go out with examples they r sufficient)

In technical section 
- basics of c.
- basic of os.
- basic of computer fundamentals
never to worry the question are quiet easy u can solve them with little stress in uor mind. 

After test there was TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: 
Some of ques which is remembered
1. What is pointer? 
2. Function call by value, call by reference?
3. difference between linked list and pointer?
5. algo of linked list.
6. tree definition and traversal
7. question on stack - to remove the last element of stack from bottom without removing the upper elements.
8. Also i was asked about the vocational training in my resume. 
(i haven't done it. but if u have written it prepare it very well they stick to it . )
basically technical is their best part and they check your base only, so be practical towards your preparation of technical 

After it there was HR round. Some of ques i can remember
1. expectation from wipro.
2. why i hire u? she asked at least 5 reasons. (she was going through every example and arosed many question so don't lie)
3. what is success? and m i successful.
4.why i havn't take drop in my studies.
5.what r my future goals.
6.some family related topics 
7. then she asked for question from my sides...
the HR always want to see your capacity so don't be panic by their questions.

the result was declared next day in morning at 10 am and my name was in list ,So friends try your best n success will b yours!!! I wish u ALL THE BEST!!!!
