General - other |   18061

General - other


HELLO FREINDS, I HAD gone through many experiences of others. it is now my time to share my exprerience with all iof you. because experience helps me a lot.ii had appeared for two companies satyuam&infy where ididnt clear written test. we had Wipro as a On campus recuiter in our  college,the 1st on campus of our college. 206 no. of students appeared in the Selection out of which 101 were selected in written test,65 selected in Tech. PI then finally 44 got selected asWIPROITES. the 5 toppers of each bracnh were selected without writen test dirctly 4 tech. PI. 

the test pattern were as follows: {WRITTEN}
1>Aptitude (were quite easy dont get Tensed but have Confident on U & Keep faith on God.)
2>Verbal(Mainly English).
3>Technical(Mainly 4m C,C++,OS)

C++ were quite easy and OS contains only theory part
English were mainly 4m Passages,sentence arrangement,syonym,antonym. 4 english read english news ppr regularly.

Tech. PI : they maily asks question 4m C++,C,RDBMS and ur Tech Branch ppr. 
HR PI were quite easy, and the questions were: 
1. prog of division of two nos in 8085
2. decoder
3. pop operation
4. decoder and demux.
5. registers
6. two staircase switches and one bulb is given,and you have to make a NAND gate.
7. fetures of C  that is not present in C++.
8. encapsulation.
9. polymorphism
10. what is TCP_IP
11. inheritence ............

Plz keep faith on god ...Pray ALLAH for succes in campus.....Thank you

ALL THE BEST........................................SEE U AT  WIPRO

