Wipro- |   30009


Hello Everyone


My name is Juhi  and I attended the Wipro Drive on 26th January 2012.

I registered on their Portal Synergy with Job Code:137 and received the Hall-ticket.

The candidates were also invited thorough referral.


Now let me share the selection procedure and my experience with you all.


There were around total of 2000+ students appeared for the drive.

The drive started at 9:30 in the morning and my test was scheduled at 12:30 pm.


1.In the written test ,there were 50 questions comprising of three sections :

(a)Verbal Reasoning:20 Questions

(b)Quantitave Aptitude:20 Questions

(c)Technical Objective:10 Questions.


Time allotted for the test is 1 hr. and There was sectional cutoff for each section(I think 60 percent).


The questions were easy,Just refer R.S Agarwal example on Time and Work,Profit,

Speed,Age and Relations etc.


I dont remember all the topics but there is no need to panic ,just manage your time and prepare the basics well you will be through the written test easily.


Next round was to write the essay.

The topic given to us was "Work Life Balance-myth or Reality".

We have to write it with in 10 minutes.


Mind you ,this is also an elimination round and they will ask you questions form this in Tech and Hr interview. So, be concise and avoid grammatical errors and casual hand-writing.

Now, Its was the time for technical interview. We were called on 27th Jan at 9'o clock and the interview started at 11 . There were 12 panels of interviewers and and selection ratio was 4:1.


Three  excerpts of my Interview:

Me:Good  Morning Sir

Interviewer:Good Morning Juhi,Please Sit.


Me:Thank you Sir.

Interviewer:(After looking into my resume and essay for a minute.)Tell me something about yourself.!!


Interviewer: What do you think about the work lyf balance.

Interviewer:Explain your Project.


Me:Explained(I mentioned Life ray Portal and J2EE as the used technology)

Interviewer:What is a portal and explained its architecture.

Interviewer:What have you done in the past 7 months..(:P:P)

Me:Sir,I had a tough time as I was selected in a company but they never turned up for the joining.But I never lost  hope and today also I am sure that my efforts and hard work will not go a waste .(P.S. I m already working in a MNC)

Interviewer:(Impressed)..Yes Yes..Okie Tell me what do you know about Wipro.

Interviewer:Why should we hire you for wipro,why dont you go for any other company?


Me:Sir,I am very committed about my work and my past performance reveals that.(I said this on the basis of my acads).

I am very thoughtful and responsible in my actions and I am heading towards an organisation which can rightly utilize my potentials.

Interviewer:Okie..Do you have any problem with Relocation?



Interviewer:Okie Juhi,It was nice meeting you Take this form and fill it.You will be intimated shortly.


Me:Okay sir,thank a lot.


A lady declared the result after five minutes and Iwas selected .

I mentioned less technical questions as all of them were related to my project and Technology I am working currently.


Next and the last round was Hr interview(Although the Tech wala himself asked all the relevant questions..:P:P).


The HR interviewer asked the same basic questions:


1.Tell me about yourself?

2.Why Wipro?


4.Major Weakness?:(I said my helping nature)

5.YOu achievements?

5.Any problems with relocation?


Yes,he also asked my views on the essay topic.


This is the end of the  on a Happy Note.


Just be confident but let me tell you Luck plays a key role in the whole procedure.


Have faith in God and surely you will Get the positive results.


Wish you all a very Gud Luck.









