Candidate-Experiences |   11382



hi, This s ur frend meeta. Here I wuld like 2 share my experience wid u all. 

Very very easy Questions normally frm BARRONS esp. very frequently used words, antonyoms etc................

APPTITUDE TEST(15 Questions)
Questions frm R.S AGARWAL...............

TECHNICAL TEST(20 Questions)
mainly unix,c,c++ (pointers),1 question frm networks................etc

out of 1800, 360 students were selectd in which I was the lucky one................

Technical Round (major filterin round):: I must say dat uone shud b calm & confident, shud maintain eye 2 eye contact wid the interviwee.

Int: Come in & asks me 2 sit down
I: (a smile & sits down)
Int: ok, tell me abt ur final yr. project.
I: explaind her.........fine wid the answer
Int: asks me 2 do the codin of a module which I wud incorporate in my project in future
I: tried 2 explain but she was not satisfied...............(thought wat wud happen next but was ready 4 the next shot)
Int: some more questions in between...............generally checkin my technical skills
I: was happy 2 answer them (these questions were about data structure, linkd list, their use in computers.............)
Int: says thanku meeta.....................gave gud answers rather very gud answers.............& was busy somethin else. I thought this s the polite way of sayin NO 2 a person & was abut 2 get up.................but actually she was busy takin out H.R. FORM 4 me....................
I: was very happy.................& concluded sayin thanku 2 her..............

Next day was my H.R round on 21st..............general questions were asked abt::
My experience till here?
Why wipro shud hire me?
questions regardin wat filld in H.R form?..............

Results were announced after 10 days................YES FRENDS I WAS ONE OF THEM.................there had been phases wen there was disappointment & also some sulky moments were aslo there..............BUT NEVER LOOSE HOPE................I cud never clear written round also until WIPRO but wen cleard, made it in one shot............

BEST OF LUCK 2 U PEOPLE..........................see u in wipro.......................
