Candidate-Experiences |   2809



Hi frens its a nice platform to share the experience as to HOW I HAVE MADE IT THROUGH????
I still remember tat wipro technologies was the first company lined up for us on the 12th of february 07 and everyone was looking ahead.

On the day we had to reprot  at  7.30am at KIET  for the prooceedings and college arranged for tat.The schedule included the PPT, written round then the technical interview and later was the HR Interview. Due to lack of time the ppt was not held and we directly headed for the written exam..
It contained of 20 Verbal questions ,20 Aptitude questions and 10 technical Questions... For both Verbal and Aptitude RS Aggarwal is sufficient and technical include the c questions and one of the boolean question.
when the written result was out they proceeded with the technical interview in the various pannels....

for technical prepare dam good every thing u have mentioned in ur was for around 45 minutes and let me tell you tat once u clear the tech interview ur chances to be selected increases. then and there u will be told by the technical person tat u have cleared it as he will provide you with a HR form to be filled...

HR is very cool all u need is Self Confidence and stick to what u speak...
the Hr questions i was made to answer were:
tell me something abt u and ur family???
why do u want to work in wipro??
what kind of a environment wud u like to work in?
if its not so then?
f inally it was concluded like she asked me like "do you wish to ask me anything"?
finally i was over with all the sessions by 5.30pm...

till then i waited and the rsult was out at 11.15pm in the night.and i made through it my name was there at the 4th place in the list.and it was a great achievement in all. i thank all the faculty and staff of my college IPEC and regards to my HOD and TPO for arranging all tat is required for us.

above all i thank the almighty and my family for their support.and how can i forget my frens for their love and support (also includes the seniors).

