Candidate-Experiences |   15688



On 21st nd 22nd WIPRO conducted an interview in our college,Haldia Institute of Technology(HIT).. On 21st was d ppt &apti..610 stud’s appeard..343 cud mak it..the PI startd immediately nd continud til 22nd evening..

In Aptitude dere was verbal,quanti&technical section..dere was sectional cut-off but no negative marking..


Well..My experience was gr8..i am a student of Instrumentation and Control..nd in my CV I mentioned Microprocessors&Microcontrollers & Digital Electronics nd Integrated Ckts as my majors…jus sharing a few questions wit u all..


Technical(22ndFeb,2:30 p.m.)—

1)Tell me something bout urfamily background?

2)What is the actual meaning of the term “electronics” ?

3)What is Microprocessors?

4)What are the basic logic gates..draw each one and xplain?

5)WHY on making both the inputs high in the AND Gate..the o/p becomes high?

6)Suppose urtalking  to a layman!now say What is a computer?

7)What is a Variable?

8)If I store a value,say a=5?how wil u change the value to a=15?

9)Write down a C Program?explain?

10)How many hours do you spend in urlaboratory?

11)what if u need to do overtime in office??

12)In wich part or sector of Wipro do u wan 2 b placed?

13)what if u don get a job dere??will u leave d company??

14)What r urWeaknesses?

15)Do u hav ny relatives in Kolkata?

16)Do u have any questions?


B4 d interview I ws very nervous..but I wen 1t he askd bout me&famil backgd jus2 brek d ice..slowly I gaind confidnc…I answerd all d questions very nicely..he askd me 2 write aC program,,jus 2 chek my programin skills..i wrot& xplaind each it is used?wen askd wedr I hav ny questions…I askd him regarding d future career prospects in d company,wat sort of training do they give?wat d course includes etc.etc..


Aftr dat he gav me d HR form..i was delighted..i knew I had passed d techi..

i wen and filld up the HR Form..nd submitted..i ws waiting outside d conference hall were d interviews wer goin on..i was actually njoying wid mah frendz wen all of a sudden my name was called…I ran..d interview(HR) started..

dese r the few questions wich I was askd in d HR round—  

1)Tell me something bout urfamily background?

2) and about urself??

3)What r urstrengths?

4)What r the 3 things bout the Pre-Placement talk that u likd d most??

5)In wich sector of WIPRO do u wana work?

6)What r urJob xpectations?

7)Wil u hav a problem if we place u n any part of the country?

8)On wich areas do u wana improve??

9)what kind of work environment do u wan?

10) R u ready to sign d bond??

Den he said’ok…u wil no urresults by 6 p.m..Thank you’


Dat was all…d interview was xcellent..mindblowing..i wen outsid..nd waitd 4 d results…

At7:30 d results wer out; 177 wer selectd..I was one among dem..

Dat was all..frendz.i wud sugest tat u shud no ur basics,a few fundamental laws (lik ohms,theven’s,superpose,fourier,laplace) ur major sub’s & C very wellif u hav mentioned ny projct,ur idea bout the project shud b crystal clear…

B honest..tru2 urslf& d interviewr & confidnt & above all hav faith in god!!!!!!!!!!!!!
