Aptitude - General |   15907

Aptitude - General


50 questions = 60 minutes

The paper has been divided into 3 sections.
1. English
2. Quantitative
3. Technical

English paper had 8 antonym and synonyms (4 each).
3 Para jumbles.
Words like Musty, Oblivion, caustic(these are least what i remember).
2 passages type question to fill in the blanks with preposition

It had 3 permutation combination question.
and mainly general aptitude questions.
RS Aggarwal is more than enough for practice.

Technical questions
It had 10 question
2 question on OS.
mainly Unix.
1. question on Pre-order. what is the rule.
3-4 question output. whose code was already given

Technical Interview was tough enough
1. What is Software engineering?
2. Describe various models of software engineering.
3. Difference between C,C++,C#?
4. What are link list? How are they implemented?
5. Describe about your project?
6. what are your expectation from this job.
Interview went about for 20-25 mins.

Make sure you read and justify your resume before you go for interview.
