Virtusa Whole-Testpaper |   27634

Virtusa Whole-Testpaper


virtusa Previous Years interview experiences


Hi all, i attended Virtusa drive for testing for position of QA through mindq systems. It was of 4 rounds for us.

1.Written only QTP
2.Written only QTP
3.Technical interview
4.HR Interview

The written was asked very tough. It was confusing and in depth. If you are confident enough you can clear.
Technical was asked based on written performance. For few they asked only manual. For me they asked only QTP. Questions were like:
1. Rate urself in QTP
2. How can you know the properties of object?
3. Script to swap strings
4. Script to compare strings
5. Script to click on button
6. How does QTP find the objects
7. Name few description properties for button
8. What is retesting and regression testing
9. Diff btwn web server and application server
10. Write test cases on building
11. Testcases on moon

These kind were askd in tech round. But in written they were a lot on syntax, much on methods, synchronizaion, transaction, GetTO and GetRo properties.

Guys even if you dont know QTP go thru syntax enough. Don't depend only on manual or only on QTP. Prepare both as the pattern changes for written. They recruited approximately 20 to manual and 5 to QTP at the end while many were filtered in written out off around 300. For Technical all you need is confidence even if you are wrong. It is very easy. HR is just formality. Though it pays very very less compared to other companies, the work you learn in Virtusa is priceless.

