Virtusa Aptitude - General |   27674

Virtusa Aptitude - General


Virtusa Technologies-Exam Conducted at Hydrabad

      Virtusa Paper consists of 3 sections . 
       1. Analytical
       2.Analytical Writing                                                                                           
       3. C-Programming

First when v clear the cutoff of Analytical section,only then other sections are evaluated.So,Don't waste time by spending much time on Programming.
Analytical Section:
Analytical Section consists of Vocab. ( pick the odd one out ) and also some codings like ( ALPHA z coded as BETAH , DELTA z coded as GAMMA, then how z ETA coded ? .. this one .. i have framed it :) ) . This part z a bit difficult one. So, my advice z don't think much about these.Along with above two categories, there shall be PUZZLES in this section.In the recent paper i attended,i got the following questions.

  1. Volume of a LARGE SPHERE z ( pi * # ) .Area of it z ( pi * & ) where '#,&' r four  digit integers.What z the value  of the radius ? ( Along with answer , v have to  write approach). answer: may be 22

  2. In howmany ways can a rectangle can be cut into 4 equal parts.

  3. Given 1,2,3,25,50,75 and 100 .. Using each number "one and only once" and using arithmetic operators, write 383 in terms of the above given numbers. answer: 383 = ( 100 + 2 ) * 3 + 75 + ( (50 * 1)/2 )

  4.  A tougher question of above. given 1,2,25,50,75,100 .. write 383 in terms of the given numbers.

  5. Given following sequence,find the how the sequence is generated.
             2 -> 1,4,9,6,5,6,9,4,1,0                                                                               
             3 -> 1,8,7,4,5,6,3,2,9,0
             4 -> 1,6,1,6,5,6,1,6,1,0
    answer : the sequences r nothing but the UNIT digits of  square(x),cube(x),power4(x) where 
    x = [ 1 ... 10 ]

  6. Knights always tell TRUTH.Knaves always tell LIE.U r a foreigner to that place and U have met a person and  he replies "I am a knave " . What can u infer from his statement. answer : nothing can be infered from his statement.

  7.  Using 4 fours and arithmetic operations write from 1 to 10
            3 = ( 4 + 4 + 4 ) / 4 
            4 = ( 4 - 4 ) * 4 + 4
            5 = ( 4 * 4 + 4 ) / 4
            6 = 4 + ( 4 + 4 )/4 // 4 + 2
            7 = ( 4 + 4 ) - ( 4 / 4 ) 
            8 = ( 4 + 4 ) * ( 4 / 4 )
            9 = ( 4 + 4 ) + ( 4 / 4 )
           10 = ( 44 - 4 ) / 4
          I forget the two more questions.
      Analytical Writing   This section has two questions only.

  8. General topic. ( Don't forget that v have to just write one page only .. not an essay) ( So,write the points directly )   For us they gave topics  Is it necessary for to HOST AFROASIAN GAMES ?? Why can't it spend that money for the welfare of poor ? OR Can India have better results if the current for of govt. is changed to PRESEDENTIAL FORM OF GOVT.( like USA ) .

  9. He gives a highly impossible possible and asks to give a solution.( To check ur innovative  ideas :) ) For us,Suppose u have suddenly changed to an ANT.U know human's abilities,  but u have forgot their language.How can u make urself to convey ur BELOVED that u have been changed to an ANT.

  10. This section consists of 4 questions.Out of 4, for 3 questions v have to write code.The last question shall be .. they shall give some code and v have to write whether the code is correct one r not .. if not correct , where the modifications show be done.and also v have to write what that CODE IS DOING..
