Verizon Question paper |   44569

Verizon Question paper



VERIZON Aptitude Questions for practice 


1) If * stands for -, /stands for +, +stands for *, then which of the following is TRUE?


A) 32/14*6+40-8=44.8

B) 14*8/6+40-8=16.8

c) 32*6/14+32-8=9.9

D) 32/6*14+32-8=18.9


2) If * stands for /, /stands for -, +stands for * and –stands for +, then 17/5*4+19-8?



B) 24.5

C) 12.8

D) 22.4


3) If + stands for ‘division’, * stands for ‘multiplication’ and / stands for ‘subtraction’, then which of he following equations is CORRECT?


A) 36*6+7/2-6=20

B) 36/6+3*5-3=45

c) 36+6-3*5/3=24

D) 36-6+3*5/3=74


4) If * stands for /, / stands for -, + stands for *, - stands for +, then which of the following equations is TRUE?


A) 28/10*6+80-12=20

B) 10*12/6+80-12=49.3

c) 28*6/10+28-12=3.1

D) 12*28/6+80-12=448


5) If * stands for +, / stands for *, + stands for -, - stands for /, then which of the following equations is TRUE?


A) 8*12/8+40-12=32.7

B) 20*8/8+20-12=8

c) 12*20/8+40-12=-16

D) 20/8*8+40-12=164.7


6) If * stands for -, / stands for +, + stands for /, - stands for *, then which of the following equations is TRUE?


A) 20/16*4+90-12=35.58*12/8+40-12=32.7

B) 16*12/4+90-12=3.5

c) 20*4/16+20-12=-8

D) 12*20/4+90-12=4


Directions for QUESTIONS 7-10:


The following criteria have laid down for admission to professional PG course in the university. The candidate must:


i) be between 18-27 years of age as on 1 march 2004

ii) have secured not less than 60% out of 900 marks in the entrance examination and not less than 50% in the interview of 100 marks

iii) be ready to deposit rs. 75000 as annual course fee.

iv) Must have secured 65% in graduation.

However, in case the candidate fulfiils all conditions EXCEPT:


a.condition(iii),but has ascore of more than 70% in the entrance examination and more than 55% in the interview, refer to the director.


b.condition(iv),but has more than 55% in graduation and can deposit rs.100000 per annum as tuition fees, refer to the admissions in charge.


7)samarth is abcom with 65% marks. He is ready to pay rs75000 per annum as tuition feees. He was born on 30 may 1976 and has scored more than 64% in th both the entrance examination and the interview. He is:


a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director


8)chitra secured more than 66% in both the entrance examination and in the interview. She was born on the 14th of april 1979 . she completed her bsc with botany as her specialization with 70% marks.

She is:

a)not admitted


c) referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director


9)arjun completed ba, English literature with 63%marks. He scored 552 in the entrance examination and 64 marks in the interview. He was born on 10 december 1984 and is ready to deposit rs.100000 per annum as tution fees. He is:


a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director


10)supriya completed her graduation with 66% marks. She is 21 years old. She cannot the requisite tution fee at the time of admission. She secured 62 marks in the interview and 637 marks in the entrance test. She is:


a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director


directions for questions11-14 :


a rating company needs to appoint financial analysts in an organization. The candidate must:

i. be a graduate in any discipline with at least 60% marks

ii. not more than 30 years of age as on 1 may 2003

iii. be either a ca,icwa,or mba finance or cfa as professional qualification

iv. have at least 4 years of work experiance

v. have cleared the written examination conducted by the organization with at least 50% marks however, if a candidate fulfills all conditions EXCEPT:


a. condition (iii),but has done bcom with at least 55% marks, refer to the director.

b. Condition (iv),but has a phd degree along with the professional qualification, refer to the



11)puneet was born on 10 august 1974. he joined an organization immediately after completing his ca. he secured 55% and 67% marks in the graduation and the written examination conducted by the organization respectively. He is:




c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate


12)ajay got 70% and 60% marks in graduation and the written examination conducted by the

organization respectively. He has been working for the last 2 years after completing his cfa and phd in 2000 at the age of 27. he is:




c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate


13) nitin completed his icwa and has been working ever since. He was born on 28 june 1977 . he scored 70% and 50% marks in the graduation and the written examination conducted by the organization . he is:




c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate


14) jayesh did his mcom with 60% marks at the age of 24 in the year 1998. he secured 55% marks in graduation and 60%in the written examination conducted by the organization. He is:




c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate


15). Two trains are on the same track a distance 300 km apart heading towards one another,    One at a speed of 150 km/h and other at a speed of 50 km/h. A fly starting out at the front of one train, flies towards the other at a speed of 600 km/h. Upon reaching the other train, the fly turns around and continues towards the first train. How many kilometers does the fly travel before getting squashed in the collision of the two trains?


16) The major no: for a floppy disk device is


A) 1                 B) 3                 C) 2                 D) 4


17) chown is:


A) Changes the mode of operation to kernel mode

B) Creates a thread

C) Changes the users and/or group ownership of each given file

D) Creates a child process


18) lilo is:


A) Uninstalls the boot loader

B) Installs the boot loader

C) Is a login utility

D) Invokes a daemon to logoff


19) netdevice


A) Provides low level access to Linux network devices

B) Provides low level access to Linux storage devices

C) Provides an interface to communicate with graphic devices

D) None of the other option listed for this question


20) The process which terminates before the parent process exits, is called as


A) Zombie

B) Orphan

C) Child

D) None of the other option listed for this question


21) Context switch means


A) Kernel switches from executing one process to another.

B) Process switches from kernel mode to user mode.

C) Process switches from user mode to kernel mode.

D) None of the other option listed for this question


22) The following socket provides two way, sequenced, reliable and unduplicated flow of data with no record boundaries.

A) Sequential packet socket

B) Datagram socket

C) Stream socket

D) Raw socket


23) Identify the point(s) that is not true w.r.t. signals


A) Signals are software generated interrupts that are sent to a process when an event happens

B) Signal delivery is analogous to hardware interrupts in that a signal can be blocked from being delivered in the future.

C) Most signals are synchronous by nature.

D) Most signal cause termination of the receiving process if no action is taken by the process in response to the signal.


24) Identify the point(s) that is true wrt Semaphore


A) Only one process at a time can update a semaphore.

B) All the other options listed for this question

C) They are often used to monitor and control the availability of system resources such as shared memory segments.

D) Is a process with exclusive use of a semaphore terminates abnormally and fails to undo the operation or free the semaphore, the semaphore stays locked in the state the process left it. RDBMS


25) When a single entity is related to itself then the relationship is termed as







26) means allowing objects of different types to be considered as examples of higher level set







27) The primary characteristic of a key field as that it must be







28) What kind of relationship exist between customers and salespersons if each customer may have one or more salespersons, and each salesperson may have one or more customers?


A) one-to-one

B) one to many

C) many to many

D) many to one


29) The following is a valid SET operation.


A) Join

B) Insert

C) Select

D) Difference


30) means allowing objects of different types to be considered as example of a higher level set.


A) Aggregation

B) Specialization

C) Generalization

D) Decomposition


31) A relation R is said to be in the , if it is in BCNF and there are non-trivial multi valued dependencies.


A) 1st NF

B) 2nd NF

C) 3rd NF

D) 4th NF


32) A occurs when a weak entity does not have a candidate key and its instances are indistinguishable without a relationship with another entity.


A) Existence dependency

B) Identifier dependency

C) Referential dependency

D) None of the other option listed for this question


33) is / are sample(s) of data model.


A) Relational

B) Rational

C) Entity- relationship

D) None of the other option listed for this question


34) In hierarchical database,


A) There is one to many relationship

B) A child may have more than one parent

C) A parent may have more than one child

D) There is no restriction on the number of parents a child may have or the number of children a parent may have


35) The term “inner join” refers to:


A) Joins between two tables in the same schema.

B) An equality join based on one column from each table.

C) A table joined with itself.

D) A Cartesian product join.


36) Which type of join is used in this query?

SELECT last_name “Name”, hire_date “Hire Date”, loc “Location”

FROM employee, department WHERE employee.deptno = department.deptno.


A) Outer join

B) Self join

C) Equijoin

D) Non-equijoin


37) A sales database has two table – SALESPERSON and CUSTOMERS as below:





sname VARCHAR2(10)




cname VARCHAR2(10)


The management wants to know the mapping of salespersons to their customers without excluding those salespersons that are not currently assigned. What would be the most appropriate condition, which can be applied on the Query to accomplish the above task?



A) salespeople.snum(+) = customers.snum

B) salespeople.snum = customers.snum(+)

C) salespeople.snum = customers.snum

D) salespeople.snum(+) = customers.snum(+)


38) join returns those rows from a table which have no direct match in the other table.


A) Outer join

B) inner join

C) Equijoin

D) Self join


39) To produce a meaningful result set without any Cartesian products, what is the minimum number of conditions that should appear in the WHERE clause of a four table join?



A) 1

B) 4

C) 2

D) 8


40).Tea worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be:


41). You have to measure exactly 4 liters of water, but you only have a 3-liter bottle and a 5-liter bottle. How do you do it?


42). You have 9 balls,equally big,equally heavy-except for one, which is a little heavier.How would you identify the heavier ball if you could use a pair of balance scales only twice?


43) What is the output of the following function if the following parameter is passed into the function as shown below function(" 12345");


long function(char *a)

int n=O; int sign; sign =(*s==,,)?1 : 1; if(*S == .2 11 *8


for(;*s >=,0,&& *s <=V; s++) n 10 * n + (*s V);

return sign n;


A) String 54321          B) String 12345          C) Long int 12345      D) Long int 54321



44) A function called total, sums up the elements of an integer array passed to it (as the first parameter). It returns the total value as an integer. The second parameter to the function is an integer, which contains the number of elements of the array.

Identify the correct code snippet(s) which accomplishes the above task.


A) int total( int numberso, int elements int total = 0, loop; for( loop = 0; loop < elements; loop++ total = total + numbers[loopl; return total; I

B) int total( int numbers[l, int elements int total = 0, loop; for( loop = 01 loop <= elements; loop++ total = total + numbersiloopl, return total;

C) int total( int numbersfl, int elements int total, loop, for( loop = 0; loop > elements: loop++ total = total + numbers[loopl; return total;

D) int total( int numbers[], int elements int total, loop; for( loop = 0; loop < elements; loop++ total = total numbers[loop], return total,


45) Which of the following does not print the numbers from I to 10?


A) maino

int i;

while (i<=10)

printf("%d\n", i); j++;


B) main()

int i;

i=O; do

Printf("%d\n". ++i),while (i<10);


C) maino

int i; for (i=l ; i<=1 0; i++) printf("%d\n", i); I D) maino

int i;

i=O; do I printf("%d\n", ++i); while (i<=10);


46) char sl [] = 1"rhis is a string"; char s2a = "pqrs";

Identify the code snippet which returns the first location in the String sl where any character from the  String s2 occurs


Searching for one of "pqrs" in the string ,7his is a string" Located in position:3

 A) for (i=O s2[ij !=AO,, i++) for 0 = 0; ~1 U1 1=AO, if (s2[ij = sl Uj) ( if (POS =  111 j < p0s) pos = j;


B) for (i=O; s2fi] !=AO,; i++) for 0 = 0; sl Ul !=AO,; j++) if (s2[ij s 1 Uj) ( if (Pos  111 j < pos) POS = j;


C) for(i=Qs2[ij!=,O,;i++){for 0 = 0; S, U1 !=V: j++) if (s2li] sl Uj) ( if (Pos  111 j < pos) pos = j;


D) for (i=O; s2fil 1= W; I++) for a = 0; slUl !=AO,; j++) if (s2[ij sl U]) ( if (pos 111 j < pos) pos = j. I



47) What could be the output of the following program?

 ffinclude < stdio.h > maino struct r

char city[10]; Int pin;

static struct r p =("mysore",20); static char nj] ="bangalore"; FILE *fp; fp= fopen("TRLAL",wb");


Directions for Questions 48-53:

Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow

Your answer for each question below would be


A if ALL THREE items given in the question are exactly ALIKE. B if only the FIRST and SECOND item are exactly ALIKE. C if only the FIRST and THIRD item are exactly ALIKE. D if only the SECOND and THIRD item are exactly ALIKE. E if ALL THREE items are DIFFERENT


48) 7181.0984612, 7181.0984612, 7181.0984612


A) A                B) B                C) C               D) D               E) E


49)5444644444, 64"644444 ,5444644444


A) A                B) B                C) C               D) D               E) E


50)3211133222, 3211133222, 3212232222


A) A                B) B                C) C               D) D               E) E


51) discuteeren,, discuteren ,discuteeren


A) A                B) B                C) C               D) D               E) E


52) 744.2903519, 744.2903419 ,7".2903519


A) A                B) B                C) C               D) D               E) E


53) Wadhodhia  Raste, Wadhodhia  Raste, Wadhobhia  Raste


A) A                B) B                C) C               D) D               E) E


Directions to solve(54-63)

Read the given below data & answer the following qustions

one hundred and twenty five small cube of equal size are

arranged in a solid pile of dimension 5*5*5 .Then from one corner

one cube is removed from the top.From the opposite corner 8 cubes

(2*2*2)r removed from the third corner a column of three cubes and

from the fourth corner a column of 4 cubes r removed the remaining

solid r coloured red on all the exposed faces...


54. How many cubes in the secomd layer fron the top do not have any

coloured face ?


ans : 6


55. How many cubes in the third layer have at least two coloured faces each ?


ans :8


56. how many cubes in the fourth layer from the top have only one colour face each?


ans :10


57. How many cubes in the bottom layer have at least one coloured face each


ans :16


58. How many cubes in the top four layers taken together have only one coloured

face each




59. How many cubes donot have any colour face


ans : 32


60. How many cubes have three colour faces each


ans :12 many cubes have only two colour faces each?


ans :24


62.How many cubes have only one colour faces each?


ans : 41


63. How many cubes are there in the top layer ?


ans : 18


64. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. The duration of the flight is:

A. 1 hour                     B. 2 hours

C. 3 hours                    D. 4 hours


65. he difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?

A. 3                 B. 4

C. 9                 D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these


Directions to solve(66-70)

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.


66. That which cannot be seen

A. Insensible               B. Intangible

C. Invisible                  D. Unseen


67.To slap with a flat object

A. Chop                      B. Hew

C. Gnaw                      D. Swat


68. Habitually silent or talking little

A. Serville                   B. Unequivocal

C. Taciturn                  D. Synoptic


69. One who cannot be corrected

A. Incurable                B. Incorrigible

C. Hardened               D. Invulnerable


70. Be the embodiment or perfect example of

A. Characterise           B. Idol

C. Personify                D. Signify


Directions to solve(70-75)

Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.


71. When varun left the cocktail party he was as ...... as a judge.

A. sober                       B. drunk

C. brave                       D. wise


72. The criminal seems to have acted in ...... the three others.

A. collusion                 B. coalition

C. collision                  D. cohesion


73. Soft minded individuals are ...... to embrace all kinds superstitions.

A. disposed                 B. eager

C. reluctant                 D. prone


74. The stenographer is very efficient. He is ...... to his firm.

A. a boon                    B. a credit

C. a blessing                D. an asset


75. However, the group's long-term strategy is to ...... on core sector business connected with infrastructure and energy.

A. breed                      B. develop

C. concentrate             D. depend



