Vedanta Aptitude - General |   40731

Vedanta Aptitude - General

PREPARED BY-Amitabha Mishra

1.WRITTEN TEST- 35 question will b there in 45 minute with no -ve marking

Q1-Q5-are based on data interpretation means 1 survey graph will b there on invest money and profit in different year from which you have 2 calculate the profit of individual yr..or....combine 2-3 yr...
Q6.If there r 12 person in a get2gether and each person does handshake with each other person then hw many handshake took place.

Q7-sum of 3 consecutive odd no is 48 ,what will b d middle 1?

Q8.if x^2+y^2=.... ,xy=....., what is x+y?

Q9.if d side of a square is increased by 25%den what will b %age increase in area???

Q10.3 man does a work in 6days,after working 2 days,3 other man join d work. in hw many day rest work will b finished????

Q11.there r 10 player in a team. U have 2 choose a team of 6 including 1 captain .in hw many ways team can b formed? 

Q12.10 yr ago father age was 4 time then d age of son, after 10 yr father age will 2 time d age of son. what is d present age of father? (value may not b correct )

Q13.'A' invested a capital of 60,000 for 8 yr, 'B' invested a capital of 40,000 for 6 yr, total profit is 30,000.then what will b d profit share of 'A'.

Q14.A train is moving 60kmph,a man is moving 10kmph in opposite direction .what is d time required 2 cross

Each other (train length is will b given).

Q15.The written price of a t-shirt is 500 rupees when a customer buys it get a discount of 5%and shopkeeper gets 10% profit. what is d cost price of d product 4 d shopkeeper??

Q16-Q25-----reasoning question based on pie
chart, blood relation questions like,,,,,1.there r 6 person A,B,C,D,E,F sit in a circular table...............A sit in left of C n E................................................ 

Q25-Q35-2 4m permutation combination,2 4m probability,3 4m data sufficiency, ven diagram.....etc

each group consist of 7-8 student..........
( topic from our college)
....... . Cricket bleeding Indian revenue?
. women empowerment in India.
. Global warming.
. Agriculture on Indian economy..
. should Hindi b our national language????

Q1-say something about yourself.
Q2-whats your family background???
Q3.why r u not going for higher study??
Q4.why r preferring Vedanta?
Q5.question on project ,if u have undergone........ which sub u r comfortable?
tech question........

original mark sheet ,10th,12th certificate verification by HR people............

after successful wil get offer letter on same day itself .........with a medical test of around 2000rupee.
.... ……………………………………Al the Best...................................................
