UTC Aerospace Systems GroupDiscussion

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UTC Aerospace Systems Group Discussion Topics 


How to Prepare Group Discussion 


UTC Aerospace SystemsGroup discussion Tips

UTC Aerospace Systems  Hiring Process consists following  sections


a)Written Test

b)Group Discussion

c)Face to Face Interview (Technical and HR Interview )


UTC Aerospace Systems Written Test consists 2 Parts Aptitude and Technical


a)Written Test

No of Questions :60

i)Aptitude -30 Questions

ii)Technical :30 question

Time Limit : 60 Minutes

UTC Aerospace SystemsGroup Discussion Process

b)Group Discussion : Around 20 Minutes

How to Prepare Group Discussion 

A good level of general awareness will come in handy so that you aren t at a loss of words on certain issues.

Understand the topic and analyse it mentally before speaking.

Be clear about the purpose and content of your viewpoint.

One should be able to communicate his views in an effective manner to everyone. Be clear in speech, audible but not too loud and Remember the six C s of effective communication -- Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Confidence, Correctness and Courtesy.

You should mantain eye contact with all others in the group and not focus on a particular person for he may benefit from that.

Be responsive to ideas from other people and seem to be very receptive and open-minded but don t allow others to change your own viewpoint.

Starting the discussion is considered to be good however it isn t that important; what is important is that you speak for a period long enough for you to be able to communicate your viewpoint .

Always mantain your calm and never get aggresive. If you haven t been able to talk then one can cut in saying "Excuse me, but what I think is .........." or something of that sort.

Never lose your temper and never attack anyone on a personal front. Your attitude should be one of cooperation and not one of conflict.

Don t lose sight of the goal of the discussion.

Listen to any criticisms and give them a thought before trying to defend your views.

Group Discussion Topics 


  1. "Is wealth or health gives happiness
  2. Are women better managers???
  3. SHOULD Mobiles be banned??
  5. Remixes of songs, justified or not?
  6. Is china a treat to Indian IT field
  7. Indian cricket…
  8. Joint families… God whether it exists or not
  9. Is group discussion essential for placement drives.
  10. Is dress code necessary at university level”.
  11. Globalization
  12. Is software industry dominating hardware industry
  13. Global warming
  14. Importance of social activities
  15. Effect of cinema on youth
  16. How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
  17. Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
  18. Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
  19. Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
  20. Is the Consumer really the King in India?
  21. Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
  22. Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month?
  23. Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
  24. Is the Business of Business only Business?
  25. Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
  26. Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
  27. How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
  28. Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems
  29. Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
  30. Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
  31. Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
  32. Advertising is a Waste of Resources
  33. Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
  34. Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
  35. Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
  36. Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
  37. Technology Creates Income Disparities
  38. In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
  39. Every cloud has a silver lining
  40. Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order?
  41. Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
  42. Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
  43. Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
  44. Reforms have to grow up.
  45. Globalization vs. Nationalism
  46. Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
  47. Should businessmen run the finance ministry?
  48. Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.
  49. Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
  50. What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
  51. Trade can help the poor?
  52. Water resources should be nationalized
  53. Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?
  54. Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
  55. Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
  56. Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India
  57. Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
  58. Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
  59. Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
  60. Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
  61. Is Globalization Really Necessary?
  62. What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
  63. Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
  64. Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors?
  65. We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
  66. Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
  67. Should the public sector be privatized?
  68. What do you know about statistics?