Tata Technologies Ltd Group discussion

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About Group discussion

Group Discussion is a modern method of assessing students personality. It is both a technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the worthiness of the student and his appropriateness for the job. A group discussion is a critical component of the campus placement process. It is a way for potential employers to learn more about the applicants, and it is an opportunity for applicants to stand out and shine. During the post placement phase, the applicants will be required to participate in a group discussion. The group will have 8 & 12 members who will express their views freely, frankly in a friendly manner, on a topic of current issue. Within a time limit of 20 to 30 minutes, the abilities of the members of the group is measured.

Prerequisites of a Group Discussion

• Topics given by panelists
• Planning and preparation
• Knowledge with self-confidence
• Communication skills/ power of speech
• Presentation
• Body Language and personal appearance
• Being calm and cool
• Extensive knowledge base related to state, country and globe.
• Areas are politics,sports,science &trade commerce, Industry and Technology, MNC, etc.
• Analyze the social, economical issues logistically .
• Listening skills
• Co-operation.

Don’ts during group discussion

• Being shy /nervous / keeping isolated from G.D
• Interrupting another participant before his arguments are over
• Speak in favour ; example: Establish your position and stand by it stubbornly
• Changed opinions
• Don’t make fun of any participant even if his arguments are funny.
• Don’t engage yourself in sub-group conversation.
• Don’t repeat and use irrelevant materials.
• Addressing yourself to the examiner.
• Worrying about making some grammatical mistakes, for your interest the matter you put across are important.

Are Women Good Managers?
Before discussing, who is a good manager? We shouldn't forget that it basically depends upon the field. There are many fields that are amicable to man and some to women. So man and women both are good manager in their respective field.
The manger should have mainly these three main issues:-
1.Manager should have good knowledge of this field.
2. Manager should be a good leader.
3. Last but not least Manager should have ability to initiative.
These all qualities do not depend on sex of a person. Any individual can have these qualities and can be a good manager.
Is facebook boon or bane?
"Facebook is primarily a communication medium, so it will influence our communication and collaboration behavior"
we should know how to balance our lives with the technology for an effective means of communication.
Example:I consider it a positive thing The great thing about Facebook is that it allows people to keep in touch with one another easily. Of course, before Facebook there was email and telephones and letters, Facebook allows people to share details about their lives that they never would have thought to share. But Facebook is in many ways superior to all of those. 
Comparison b/w Indian & foreign education system
First and foremost, as everyone knows Indian education system follows a theory based curriculum. Students are required to memorize facts and knowledge written in textbooks. In a way, Indian education system is still very much focusing on bookish knowledge instead of preparing students for future careers and jobs. Whereas, western education system stresses on educational flexibility, creativity and child’s interest. Western educational institutes’ treats imparting education as a learning process and believes in imparting practical knowledge to ready students for future.

Secondly, Indian educational system, unfortunately, has not changed much even after independence and is still following same set of obsolete rules when it comes to education as it was some 150 years ago. On the other hand, in the west, education system is changed as per needs and requirements of the present day world. Western education system is more liberal refined and advanced in its approach to teach children.

