IBM interview question and answers

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IBM Interview Preparation - IBM interview questions


IBM Visited our campus, IBM Off campus recruitment in September, IBM recruitment test each round had elimination round, 

Hi friends,Im Rakshitha Here Im sharing my experience IBM recruitment, IBM recruitment test has 3 sections 

1.On line Aptitude Test (In this,90 Minutes Test had 2 section 20 Number series and 20 Quantitative Aptitude Test 20 questions) 

IBM English summary writing Test. 

Then Second day IBM Group discussion and Technical HR Round

IBM Off campus recruitment selection procedure

I am Rakshita.A.P graduated from Dr.TTIT , K.G.F in d branch f Information Science

I am very glad to share my experience with you all(criteria asked was 65/65/70...)


1st day -
(i) Online aptitude
(ii) English summary writing

2nd day -

(i) GD
(ii)Technical cum hr round

1. Online Aptitude :

It had 2 sections- number series(20 Q) and Quantitative(20 Q). Time duration was 90 min.. The clock time provided for us was entirely different 4m other placements. Each question had 2min n 15sec clock n 30sec break if necessary. Once u cross that question, you can not go back to it.So think-analyse-work before u opt 4 an answer..

2. Eng summary writing

Only the shortlisted students were allowed to attend this. Here 2-3 eng passages were given. We were asked to write d summary f it , in the pattern f an email wid just 5-6 sentences. The sentence formation,spelling of the words are important . Dont use shortcut forms of words. Let it be formal.
At the end of the day 500 students were shortlisted for further rounds.

3. Group Discussion

Each group was of size 12 in GD . The topic given for us was,"Indian education system more concerned about the marks of the students now a days, but not on the knowledge". Dont be idle here. Speak out our views towards it. Your communication skills,knowledge abt d topic matters here.

4. Finalsssssssss.....

HR was very cool... Initially he introduced himself and shook hands. Dont forget to knock the door before you enter the panel.Everything counts inside the panel.. (dont feel shy to sing or dance ,if you are asked to do so...)

HR : Yes...Rakshita..nice to meet u. How are you?
Me : Im fine sir. Thanq. And how are you sir?

HR : Im fine too... So Rakshita..tell me about yourself?
Me : (frnz.. its better not to include d things which already exist in your resume,while introducing. Start wit d words which describe u and ur char..and keep on telling abt u n ur interests,goals etc etc untill they stop u..)

HR : fine.. what do u want to achieve in life?
Me : Sir I want to become a software developer..

HR : Great Rakshita.. Let me test to you.. which r d comp.languages u hav come across?
Me : sir... c,c++,c#,java,html,perl,php,sql..

HR : fav subjects?
Me : ds,ada,cn,ss,mup...

HR : mention some ds...
Me : stacks,queues, linked lists(ll),doubly linked lists(dll).....

HR : diff betwn ll n dll?
Me : in ll each node z divided into 2 parts.. 1 for info n other to store d add f some other node.N dll into 3........n using dll v form trees also..

HR : fine.. Can you write a linked list progam to insert a node?
Me : Sure sir..(wrote n explained along wid d diagram)

HR : very good... now can u sort these numbers using quick sort?
Me : yes sir...(showed him d sorted numbers)

HR : hmmm.. so your basics in c language r excellent....
Me : thank you sir..
(he asked me many more questions on my background,about schooling in gurukulam...future plans..etc)

HR : what do you know about IBM?
Me : I told about the history of IBM,founders,annual revenue,no of employees,patents,inventions,ceo,chairman,locations in INDIA, it has got d nick name "BIG BLUE"...etc

HR : good good... you knw many things abt IBM...!! Do you have questions 4 me?
Me : sir.. hw z d corporate culture in IBM..? (if u get a chance f asking a question to HR,dont miss it... Ask something.. but not about the package..;)...)

HR : Well Rakshita.. Im working for IBM from last 13 years... It z very good,friendly and comfortable to has respectable corporate culture..
Me : yes sir.. I have just noticed it.. your friendly interaction made me forget about final round... I kept speaking to you ...I was tensed at d beginning.. but not now sir..

HR : ha ha.. ok... nice to meet you Rakshita..
Me : thank and nice to meet you too sir.. have a best day...:)

Finally IT WAS MY DAY......:) I was into IBM.. Felt so blessed to join IBM family..Frnz,every1 has talent..But,all we need is the patience to wait n explore it in a right time. GOD GIVES THE BEST...
All the very best for ur bright future...:)
