UST Global Written test questions |   51562

UST Global Written test questions

UST Previous years questions for learn and practice

1.The product of all integers from 1 to 100 will have the following numbers of zeros at the end 
A 20
B 24
C 19
D 22

2.Answer the question based on the following information.
Each question is followed by two statements I and II. Answer each question using the following instructions.
Choose 1. If the question can be answered by one of the statement alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone.
Choose 2. If the question can be answered by using either statement alone.
Choose 3. If the question can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered even by using both statements together.
What are the ages of two individuals, X and Y?
I. The age difference between them is 6 yr.
II. The product of their ages is divisible by 6. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4


3. The product of the ages of Ankit and Nikita is 240. If twice the age of Nikita is more than Ankit's age by 4 years, what is Nikita's age?
A 14 
B 15 
C 16 
D 12

4.Convert the number 1982 from base 10 to base 12. The result is 
A 1182
B 1912
C 1192
D 1292 

5.Answer the questions based on the following information. Each Question is followed by two statements I and II. Answer each question using the following instructions.
Choose 1. If only one of the statements can be used to answer the question not the other one.
Choose 2. If either of the statements is sufficient to answer the question.
Choose 3. If both the statements have to be used.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered using both the statements.
Total amount of Rs 38500 was distributed among Praveen, Raisjan and Nitesh. How much does each get?
I. Praveen gets 2/9 of what other two get.
II. Ranjan gets 3/11 of what other two get. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4 

6.Question contains four arguments of three sentences each. Choose the set in which the third statement is a logically conclusion of the first two.
A. All Ts are squares. All squares are rectangular. All Ts are rectangular.
B. Some fat are elongated. Some elongated things are huge. Some fat are huge.
C. Idiots are bumblers. Bumblers fumble. Idiots fumble.
D. Water is good for health. Health food is rare. Water is rare. 
A D only
B C only
C Both A and C
D All of these

7.A group of 630 children is arranged in rows for a group photograph session. Each row contains three fewer children than the row in front of it. What number of rows is not possible? 
A 3
B 4
C 5
D 6

8.Three identical cones with base radius r are placed on their bases so that each in touching the other two. The radius of the circle drawn through their vertices is 
A smaller than r
B equal to r
C larger than r
D depends on the height of the cones

9.Let u = (log x )2 – 6 (log2 x) + 12, where x is a real number. Then the equation xn = 256, has 
A no solution for x
B exactly one solution for x
C exactly two distinct solutions for x
D exactly three distinct solutions for x

10.Answer the questions based on the foil owing information.
Each question is followed by two statements I and II. Answer each question using the following instructions.
Choose 1. If the question can be answered by any one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone.
Choose 2. If the question can be answered by using either statement alone.
choose 3. If the question can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered even by using both statements?
The average weight of students in a class is 50 kg. What is the number of students in the class?
I. The heaviest and the lightest members of the class weigh 60 kg and 40 kg respectively.
II. Exclusion of the heaviest and the lightest members from the class does not change the average weight of the students. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4 

11.Answer the questions based on the following information.
Each of these questions is followed by two statements I and II.
Choose 1. If the question con be answered with the help of statement I alone.
Choose 2. lf the question can be answered with the help of statement II, alone.
Choose 3. If both statement I and statement II are needed to answer the question.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.
What is the profit percentage?
I. The cost price is 80% of the selling price.
II. The profit is Rs 50. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4 

12..– 1 is divisible by 
A 13
B 31
C 5
D None of these

13.From the alternatives, choose the one which correctly classifies the four sentences as a
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true.
J: Judgment: If it is an opinion or estimate or anticipation of common sense or intention.
I: Inference: If it is a logical conclusion or deduction about something based on the knowledge of facts.
A. The minister definitely took the wrong step.
B. Under the circumstances, he had many other alternatives.
C. The prime minister is embarrassed due to the minister’s decision.
D. If he has put the government in jeopardy, the minister must resign. 

14.Answer the questions based on the following information.
Each of these questions is followed by two statements I and II.
Choose 1. If the question con be answered with the help of statement I alone.
Choose 2. lf the question can be answered with the help of statement II, alone.
Choose 3. If both statement I and statement II are needed to answer the question.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.
What is the number x?
I The LCM of x and 18 is 36.
II The HCF of x and 18 is 2. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

15.Answer the questions based on the following information.
Each of these items has a question followed by two statements, I and II. Mark the answer
Choose 1. If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.
Choose 2. If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.
Choose 3. If bath statement I and statement II are needed to answer the question.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.
Little Beau Peep lost her sheep. She could not remember how many were there. She knew she would have 400 more next year, than the number of sheep she had last year. How many sheep were there?

I. The number of sheep last year was 20% more than the year before that and this simple rate of increase continues to be the same for the next 10 yr.
II. The increase is compounded annually. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

16.How much number can be made with digits 0, 7, 8 which are greater than 0 and less than a million?
A 496
B 486
C 1084
D 72

17.Let N = 553+ 173- 723. N is divisible by 
A Both 7 and 13
B Both 3 and 13
C Both 17 and 7
D Both 3 and 17

18.10 straight lines, no two of which are parallel and no three of which pass through any common point, are drawn on a plane. 

The total number of region (including finite and infinite regions) into which the plane would be divided by the lines is 
A 56
B 255
C 1024
D Not unique

19.Answer the questions based on the following information.
Each item has a question followed by two statements I and II.
Choose 1. If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.
Choose 2. If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.
Choose 3. If both, statement I and statement II are needed to answer the question.
Choose 4. If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.
What are the ages of the three brothers?
I. The product of their ages is 21.
II. The sum of their ages is not divisible by 3. 
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

20.The pendulum of a clock takes 7s to strike 4 o’clock. How much time will it take to strike 11 o’clock? 
A 18s
B 20s
C 19.25s
D 23.33s

Swapping and Key Dictionary Problems
1. How to select an element by id and swapping an image?

2. Swapping is for
Allows each program in turn to use the memory

3. What is the difference between Swapping and Paging?

4. What does the swapping system do if it identifies the illegal page for swapping?

5. Is the Process before and after the swap are the same? Give reason

6. What are the phases of swapping a page from the memory?

7. Code for swapping of two numbers without using temporary variable using C.

8. What are conditions on which deadlock can occur while swapping the processes?

9. What are the criteria for choosing a process for swapping into memory from the swap device?

10. What is Expansion swap?

11. What is a Dictionary object?

12. Explain about the dictionary function in Python?

13. What is the differences between structure and table in data dictionary in ABAP?

14. What is the Dictionary class?

15. Where the integrity constraints are stored in data dictionary

16. What is a Data Dictionary ?
17. Which dictionary view shows the password expiration date for a user?

18. What are the different types of data dictionary objects?

19. Where the integrity constraints are stored in Data Dictionary ?

20. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the data base physically?
