UST Global Candidate Experience |   14017

UST Global Candidate Experience

UST global recruitment experience shared by Renjithkumar
I attended UST global Referal drive on August 19th 2013 in which about 6000 candidates were shortlisted for the test.

Selection procedure:
1) Aptitude Test -60 minutes
2) GD 30 minutes
3) Technical cum HR interview

I attended online aptitude test of cocubes and details of the test are:
It consist of 4 sections of 15 questions each and a total of 60 questions to be answered in 60 minutes.
No negative marking
Sections are English, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer basics, Non verbal.
For pass the test you need to get sectional cutoff in each section.

I think sectional cutoff are high because in our test Only 341 students short listed
from 5000 students attended.

Group discussion:
In GD 10 students have to discuss the topic and they ask students to introduce themself.
My topic is "Contribution of youth to society"
They will evaluate our listening ability, ability to Minkle with team, Confidence in speach etc.
They asked all to be genuine in our conversation ,dont over show !
Also let allow others to speak and supports them,it will good for peoples dont aware of topics.
Also try to make a conclusion speach at last,it will help to impress them

Basically for not it students like mechanical, electrical etc they will only ask HR questions like our achievements and family details, ambition etc.
And for CS,IT students they ask also some basics of programing.

Luckly I skipped for technical and if we speak with confidence, we will pass the HR round.

I am waiting for the mail from just about selection, because after HR they ask me to wait for the selection mail, anyway I am proud to pass up to GD of just from 6000 candidates.

