UST Global- |   17039

UST Global-


 Hi I am Chaudhary Sachin Bassi  pursuing my B.TECH (Information Technology) frm MIET MEERUT I'm selected in UST-global (It’s a good US based company) UST-GLOBAL ( US Technology) paper On 15th,October 2012. MIET MEERUT,

The total recruitment procedure was divided into 3 rounds.


1. Written Test

2. Group Discussion

3. Personal Interview (Technical cum HR)


 Round-1 Written test(there is a online test) divided in to two parts.

 1st part is named as aptitude test .the time limit was 60 minutes. it comprises the following section.


Section 1: Analytical reasoning

* No. of squares

* No. of triangles

* Picture puzzle


Section 2: Quantitative aptitude

* Average

* Direction

* Percentage

* Profit and Loss

* Speed Time

* Time and work


Section 3: Non Verbal Reasoning  

* Series Completion

* Analogy

* Syllogism


Section 4: Logical Reasoning  

Section 5: Situation Problem, Verbal Reasoning, Cubes and Dice


2nd part is named as speed test.(time limit is 10 minutes)

Section 1: Swapping and Key Dictionary Problems (15 questions in 10 minutes). Don’t read instructions of this section.


Each section was having its individual cut-off and you need to clear the cut off of IX sections to move in the next round there was no negative marking. The section which is toughest has the lowest cut-off. So better attempt all questions. And a part of that section on your own. So you can take away the cut-off.


Manage your time so that you can give equal time to all 6 sections. And attempt 80% questions in each section. Sectional cut-off for every section will be every low so try to concentrate on all the sections.

Overall out of 589 only 153 could make it to the next round. 


Round 2 Group Discussion  (25 minutes).


GD was simple. All you need to be just follow all the GD norms. The people at US Technology are real nice. They just tried to make a cool and friendly environment before GD so that all students feel comfortable.donot be agreesive otherwise you will disqualify , 2 was disqualified in my group due to show agressiveness.

GD was around 25 minutes.

Topics were:

* Indian villages boon or bane .

*  woman are good manager

* mercy killing

*petrol prices

my topic was Indian villages boon or bane. gd was around 10 minute ,in remaining 15 minute he asked the hr. questions from each students ,but they asked 8 questions to me in gd like if i hired you where will you look to you in next five years ? after five years if Infosys give u higher package than must then what will you do? Why u think ust is better than Infosys? what are the core values of us? what are the phases of s/w development life cycle? 

Out of 153 only 72 were selected for the interview. 


Round 3 interviews (Technical cum HR)


The interview was very easy. My HR was a very friendly person and there are general questions like tell me about yourself?

Immediately after my GD we had Interview.

My interview was as follow.

Me: May I come in sir

Int: Come in.

 Me: Standing near chair

Int: Please Sit Down

 Me: Thank you sir.

Int: sachin ,how's your day?(he knows my name bcoz he has my profile info)

 Me: Today is the great day of my life ,i faced my first gd and i cleared the gd.

Int:what are the your strengths?

Me: explained;

Int:tell me about your family background ;

my communication skill was not so good , he told me that he noticed that firstly i m thinking in the hindi ,and then i m converting in to English;

then i told them i was out in the hr interview of Wipro;

Int:what hr said that you in Wipro?

Me: told truly that speak slowly don't rush your words you will be definitely placed;

Int: What’s your ambition?

Me: want to be bright star in the field of IT.

Int: what s the most interesting thing you have learnt from your past?

Me: Explained(i was out in technical interview of tcs and hr interview of wipro) told him truely

Int: what is your favourite sub?

Me: data structure;

Int:write a progarm to insert the node in the last of linked list;

Me: i told him the concept but could not write the program.

Int: Gave a puzzle

 Me: i could not solve that;

Int: what is your passion?

Me:to become great software engg'

Int:when were you passionate about this while you are frm u.p.board?

Me: explained;

Int: Tell me a quality of you which is different from others:


 Me:i told him confidentaly;

INt:any query?

Me:asked and get the ans. then he handshake with me and i said thank you sir

Finally total 58 were selected, and I was in lucky ones.frnd be cofident don't be nervous;

i was out in technical interview of tcs and in hr interview of wipro,after these failures i was placed in ust gloabl. so be confident. bcoz we will never loose we will never fear.


 * Be confident.

* Always sing song to make yourself busy and cool.

* Be honest in every stage of recruitment.

* Enjoy every moment of life.

* Be faith in God.

* Don’t tell to too much persons that company is coming for campus, tell after being selected.

* Do your best, and you will be selected.

* All the Best and Congratulations on being selected in UST-Global, We will meet soon.

