UBH Whole-Testpaper |   31500

UBH Whole-Testpaper


Hi to all
United Health Group conducted Placement drive at Hyderabad on 16th Jan, 2011
First round is written test. This is the most difficult written test I ever faced. One should have good time management, thinking ability, Analytical ability and good programming Knowledge.

There are 3 sections (Advanced Analytical Ability, Advanced Numerical Ability, and Advanced programming Ability). All are objective questions. First 2 sections contains 30 questions,  3rd Section contains 20 with 30 mins duration. All over 90 mins test.

Numerical Ability is dead easy part. All are basic questions from Numbers, profit and loss, percentage and other (Almost covered Quantitative aptitude).

Analytical part tough part. For 3rd section one should have good programming knowledge on C, C++. Most of the questions are on for loop, while loop, if else loops. In each question for loops are nested with other loops. There are 5 questions are based on algorithms.  Cut off 32 marks out of 80 marks. Most of them eliminated from written test.

Next round is H.R. Round. If you have good command on English one should not worry about this round.  They require good communication skills. The questions are based on Tell me about yourself, Movies you watched  recently, Family Background, General things,  Why U.H.G?, What you know about our company?
Last round is Technical round. One should have good knowledge on project which you specified in resume.  Technical starts with resume part. I did project on .net.
Q: Explain me your project?
A:  I given over view of project
Q: What are the modules you have used?
A: I explained with diagrams
Q: Explain each module with diagrams?
A: I explained with diagrams
Q: Which technology used?
A:  answered
Q: Why .net is better compared to Java in your view?
Next questions on Front end and back end of project, tables and relationship between tables.         Next 5 SQL queries are asked. Then questions on C, CPP Programs.  Asked to write a C program on Files. Then basics on C, C#, Dbms, OS, OOPS.

That’s it. If one goes throw written test then 70% chances are there to get offer letter.
After 12 days I got call.  I have been selected. They don’t mention about package during the interview process.  I got mail about salary structure. Package is 3.1 Lakhs per annum. Position is Associated Software Engineer. Location is Hyderabad. Joining date on Feb 15th.
I think this information is useful to you all.

