placement Paper |   19920

placement Paper


Latest selection  Procedure of United Health Group

Selection Procedure has two Sections

1.written Test-


3. HR

In Written Test there are 3 sections

No of Questions-80

Time Limit-90 Minutes

a)Analytical Ability-30 Questions -30 Minutes

Data Interpretation

Statement and Assumptions

Statement and Conclusions

Seating Arrangement

Logical problems etc.,

Time taking  ,tough questions

b)Numerical ability-30Questions-30 Minutes



Profit and Loss


Time and Distance etc.,

Average Questions, but time management is more important

c) Programming-20 Questions-30 Minutes

In programming questions from C..Mostly giving algorithms like programs on nested for loops... these are tough 

In written Test  requires good time management, because the questions are easy but those are fully conceptual and time taking....

2 Technical

1. Say something about yourself
2. Some questions from technical subject like DBMS,Java,Software Testing...
3. Some Puzzles....very interesting puzzles..
4. then some questions from your interesting subject


5. Next 5 SQL queries are asked. Then questions on C, CPP Programs.  Asked to write a C program on Files. Then basics on C, C#, Dbms, OS, OOPS.


In this round they ask general questions like
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Ur weaknesses, strengths, hobbies
3. Why UHGIS . etc..

So just ready with your basic concepts.....  
All the best everybody



