Whole-Testpaper |   6450


I attended for the THBS interview in JITM college at Gajapathi District in Orissa

The process was held on total 4 rounds.
1. Aptitude Test
At first they conducted Aptitude test for 15 marks/15 min. They gave 2 sets of papers and questions in both sets are quite different, only 1 or 2 bits equal in a rear case. One was easy and the other was littlebit tuff. Luckily I got easy one, and the cutoff may different for sets. My paper's cutoff is 7. They selected 350 students out of 750 members.
2. Reasoning Test
After announcing the results they conducted Reasoning test immediately, which is 12 marks/12 min. Which contains seating arrangement, series, is to is as problems. Its a very short period. after 1/2 an hour they announced the results. They selected 200 out of 350 students.
3. Technical Test
Then they conducted a Technical test for 20 marks/20min. which was littlebit tuff. All questions from "Exploring in C" and " Test your skills in C++", these 2 books are enough for get good marks in this test. They selected only 50 out of 200 students.
Before announcing Technical test results they gave PPT (Pre Placement Talk) over the company.
In that they announced that the package is 3,00,000 p.a.(all inclusive)
Very few students got selected in this test. so they cancelled the GD round.
4. Technical+HR
Directly they conducted Technical and HR in single round. Total 4 panels conducted for 50 members.
This round was very easy. If u are very good in communication he dont ask any technical questions. But he asked some technical questions to me they were
1. What is operator overloading, and he asked to write a program on that. I wrote it.
 and he is asking about DS and implementation of the programs but not for me.
2. Which subjects you learned in your acadamic years?
1.Tell me about yourself?
2.Tell me about your father and brother?
3.What is your most happiest moment?
4.What are your weekpoints?
5.How to convert your weekpoints to strengths?
6.He gave a situation and he asked "how will you handle the situation?"
I answered as my level best.
finally he said Best of luck.
I waited more than 1 and half hour for final result.
Finally they announced final result at 11p.m. Total 30 were selected out of 50. Luckily I am also one of them. I felt happy on that day.
All the Best.
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