Torry Harris Interview-other |   16028

Torry Harris Interview-other



hello friends

torry harris came for recruitment in JIIT NOIDA where there were 4 colleges, creitria of 60 % only in b. tech . , around 500 to 600 students were there out of these 60 were short listed for GD n finally around 30 for interview n finally they took 18 in which 9 were from my college (JSS NOIDA) luckily i was also among those 9, package is 3 lacs p.a..
they take paper for 20 min n 20 ques , separate papeer of tec peopl and non tecnical people
i m from INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL branch so i got non tech paper as tech is for CS ,IT N MCA people
out of 20 ,10 were from basic electronics,analog circuits like calculating CMRR , n questions like energy band gap between of silicon, n other were very simple .....
n rest 10 were of basic APTI,take my words if u go there with full conc n mind the time it is easy to qualify written ....
questions were like...
1.x no of boys ,y no of gals ,percentage of gals? sita types 10 pages in 5 mins n rita 10 pgs in 20 mins then how much pgs they will type together in 30 mins...
3.white cube is painted black from outside if cutted into 125 pieces ,how many pieces will have min. of 2 sides painted black.
rest were very easy but as i have mentioned earlier that plz do take care of time n conc....(BASICALLY EXAMPLES OF R.S.AGARWAL IS MORE THAN SUFFCIENT)
after written there was GD ,we were 10 in gp.... we earlier decided that we won't form the fish market so our team has max number of intake i GD we were 6/10 those were selected in GD...
our topic was WHY MANHOLES COVERS ARE CIRCULAR IN SHAPE..... we were speaking one by one n were giving time 4 others to speak n listening to them.....when we were allowed to leave one official asked us whether we should ask problem or topic to discusss in  a GD..ours were mix answer....
then we were only 30 remaining for interview...
in interview i was the one from whom less tech was asked more HR was both were combined... my answers were crisp n to the point....many common questions
 like wot do acept 4rm our company,n why software,reading or any other habit etc....finally 18 were selected n by god's grace i was among those.....
Vishal Sharma. 