TechMahindra Whole-Testpaper |   29459

TechMahindra Whole-Testpaper

Tech Mahindra Interview Experience - Jaipur,January 2014 Tech mahindra placement drive recruitment experiences Tech Mahindra whole recruitment procedure Tech mahindra on line aptitude tests

Hello guys

Tech  Mahindra conducts recruitment placement drive in January 2014 .  First procedure was we were gathred in a hall for Tech  Mahindra Preplacement talk.  It describes Tech  Mahindra working and other details Then next procedure was Tech Mahindra on line test.  In that preplacement talk they gave a descption about how is o line test will be conducted

Tech Mahindra  On Line Test -Around 340 students weere atteneded on line test
Tech Mahindra  On Line Test Pattern- No of Questions -170 with different section in 80 minutes time
For english 100 marks questions vocaulary and grammer
Non verbal reasoning questions were 50 marks
and aptitude questions 20 marks
The test was not so difficult J

After 20 minutes of test completion results were announced. 107students were selected

Tech Mahindra Essay writing procedure
After on line aptitude test they were given ablank papers with a topic on the top to write 100-300 words on the topic.  This test is chekcing our english proficiency and gramatical skills  20 students were rejected and the rest 86 students were selected for next round

Tech Mahindra  HR cum English speaking ability test

In this he asked normal questions like 'Tell me about yourself', 'Why should be hire you', 'Why Tech Mahindra?' etc.

10 students were eliminated in this round.

Tech Mahindra Technical Interview

After that there was Technical Interview. It was about your skills, Project done and Training. Non CS/IT guys were not asked about programming.
They were asked questions based on their Resume. Be prepared about your Project, Training and Skills written on Resume.

Finally 55  students were shortlisted for Final HR round.

In that round he didn't ask any conventional HR round question. He was just having normal conversation. It was all about communication skills and confidence.

Finally after a long wait of 11 hours after my final interview results were announced and I was 1 among the 32 students placed.

So be confident, be good at English writing and speaking and Go for it !

All the best !
