Whole-Testpaper |   16362


Hi Friends,

I'm Kanchan Kumar Singh and attended TechMahindra on referal basis on 15th Janunary 2011.

No.of round: 4
1. Written test
2. First technical round
3. Second technical round
4. HR round
Each and every round was elimination round. All round was held at TechMahindra office at salt lake Kolkata
Written test:
Questions: 170  time duration: 80 mins (no sectional cut-off  and no negative marking)
The written paper consisted of the following section: (English: 100 questions and aptitude: 70)
Aptitude (50 minutes)

1) Logical, analytical reasoning: 35 questions (easy)
2) Non verbal: 20 questions (easy)
3) Quantitative aptitude: 15 questions (easy)

English (30 minutes):
English is very easy. Even there are 100 questions have to answer within 30 minutes they all are of 10th class standard. Follow Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning by R.S Aggarwal.
Analytical section consists of questions on series (alphabetical & numerical) and figures. Non verbal consists of questions like
Apple: fruit :: parrot:_________. Quantitative section consists of questions on time and work, time and distance, ages, clocks, averages, percentages, etc. Verbal sections consists of simple grammatical questions, antonyms, synonyms, sentence completion & 2 short passages.
Friends note that in Tech Mahindra getting shortlisted is the major hurdle. Once shortlisted other rounds are just a cake walk. Time management is the key. Do not panic. We don't know cut-off but I think cut-off was high because only 18 were selected out of 150 in my round

First technical round
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Why we use cache memory?
3. Logic to print * problem.
4. What is virtual memory?
5. What is different betwee jvm n jre?
6. What is pointer.advantage and disadvantage?
7. Some questions on sql query.
8. What is different between excel and rdbms
9. How Java is platform independent?
My first round was around 45 mins and after that they told me I'm sending you for 2nd round.

Second technical round
In this round all questions are programing so I was confident that I will clear this round
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Print fibonacci series using recursion.
3. sql query to print student name who get 3rd max marks in student table.
4. Swaping two variable without using 3rd varible.
I answer all questions in very neat and clean manner. They was very impressed from me
wenever I was answering the questions they told me very good kanchan and now who asked a difficult question.
That was related to microprossor programming. I just told. I don't know
6. Show overriding concept using program.
They was very impressed and gave me permission to attend HR round I was very cool and thinking I approx crossed the TechMahindra.
HR round
Tell me your family background?
Why should TechMahindra hire you?
1 year gap reason
Expectation from TechMahindra and so on
They told me wait outside for result. They came outside and told me you will be inform if you select. I was shocked it should not be happen because my performance was really good in all round but it company means luck and I saw that some students were getting employement form on introduction basis because Tech Mahindra employee know him/her very well. So this was partiality and I was very shocked. Till now I didn't get result. I'm little waiting and thinking hope is almost over. Wish you and all my dear friends great future ahead.