Whole-Testpaper |   23121



HI, friendz.I'm Amitava from Kolkata.It was an Off Campus drive for 2006 freshers batch. The aptitude was not so tough, but the buzzword was 'TIME'...they will give u very little time to do these.u will be given one hour, and u need to answer 70 questions. There was no negative marking and sectional cutoff. They announced it prior to the test.So when ur time is almost exhausted, guessworks will come handy. There were five sections.

Section 1: It was fill in the blanks without any options.it was simple.Just fill in with prepositions,tenses etc.

Section 2
: There were 'choose the most appropriate word'.some small 3-4 line paragraphs will be given and u will be asked some easy questions on them. SEC 1 & 2 should be attempted first.It is scoring and one can do these 20 ques in maximum 15 mins.Score definite 20 here and keep much time for other sections.

Section 3
: Comprehension.A paragraph in easy english is given.This should be attempted last. Sec 3 & 4 consists ( 20 + 20 =40 )ques.So these section is the decider.Try to solve quickly so u can attempt as much as possible before guesswork.

Section 4: Logical & Analytical Reasoning!! Solve R.S.Agarwal thoroughly.All those series completion, odd man out, figures, missing no,venn diagram,small puzzles etc etc given.

Section 5
: Quantitative and Data Sufficiency.Solve R.S.Agarwal quantitative.Knowledge of solving Time & work,profit & Loss,average, age problems,percentage,Train ,Speed, Volume,Area etc will come handy.

 They set a high cutoff.Only 29 cleared apti including myself from about 100.

Then in the same day we faced 3 interviews.

 They call for technical interview first.It was a panel of two.One was an young man in his 20s, another was a middleaged man about 40+. They were friendly.They started with .."Tell about yourself".then as I'm a CS guy, started asking from C,C++,Java.They asked to rate myself in all those three.I rated.Then they asked to write the code of swapping two numbers using pointer and witout using temporary variable.I started well,but got a bit confused in the middle.They helped me.Then command line arguments in C & Java. Polymorphism,abstract class,multiple inheritance,interface, exceptions, operator/method overloading,overriding,java thread and two ways of implementation, arrays, stack related basic questions were asked.then they started with DBMS.At first they started with a unfamiliar question bout DBase.I told i didnt used or ever saw DBase.then Normalization,3NF,BCNF, referential integrity.They smiled and asked "Lets get into Oracle." They asked if i know PL/SQL.I said no.They asked wat is subquery and asked to fetch the salary of the top 3 highest paid employees.It lasted for about 45 minutes.Then they asked me to wait in a room.

Then after half an hour of anxiety, one person came and called me for HR.This time it wasnt a panel.Only one middle aged gentleman.He asked me typical HR related questions such as why TM,why should we hire u,
strength,weaknesses,hobbies,semester marks,future plans.He seemed to be very intersted about philately i.e stamp collecting which i told as one of my hobbies.Asked about how many stamps I have,of which nations, catalogues,rare stamps, & blah blah.Then asked to wait in the same room again.

Then in 10 minutes they called again.now it was a luxuriously decorated room and I was greeted by an elderly lady.She asked me about how was the day, about my family,work culture at tech mahindra,pay package etc.Then asked me "If I select u, will u be able to cope up with immense pressure tat TM training will impart upon u??" Then asked "r u ready to sign a bond of 2 years??" I replied positively.Then surprisingly asked "O.K.Tell me what actually a bond is??" I replied "Its an agreement that I wont leave TM for a certain period of time otherwise...".She interrupted me in the middle and asked "AGREEMENT!!!U r just a kid in the block and using such business jargons.Its a COMMITMENT .." & blah blah!!Then asked to wait and HR will get back to u. It was 6 in the evening.I was exhausted and was thinking they will ask "U may leave for the day" as they were asking few other candidates.

After 5 mins they called me agin and smiled and said"Amitava.now u are one of us.U r selected and u will have to join Tm by DEC,06." I was so happy.A long 1.5 yr job hunt ended atlast.I am thankful to God and all my well wishers.When I was getting so depressed tat no one will ever take me, God gifted me one of the best opportunity.I got thru a company tat many of my friends who cracked campus earlier would envy.

 Best of Luck to ALL.

