TechMahindra Interview Pattern |   8501

TechMahindra Interview Pattern

                                     Tech Mahindra Recruitment Process

Eligibility Criteria :

  1. SSC: 60%
  2. HSC: 60%
  3. Diploma: 60%
  4. B.E. : 60% (aggregate) with 1 live back-log allowed.

Selection Process:

Aptitude Test: The main hurdle in the selection process of Tech Mahindra is cracking its Aptitude Test. It consisted of 170 questions to be solved in 80 minutes. So it is very important to solve  the questions synchronizing the time limit. No Negative Marking.

Basically the test was divided in total 11 sections. And had the sectional cut-off. Various sections included were: Reasoning, Analytical, Non-Verbal, Quantitative, Verbal, Confusable Words,Tenses, Prepositions, Articles, Reading Comprehension.

Since the number of questions are lot more and time is very less, the difficulty level of the test is moderate.

Technical Interview: The primary focus of this round is to test your logic, for which questions on programming languages like C are expected. Basics of the subjects related to your engineering field
and about the project can be asked.

HR Interview: Once you clear the aptitude test and technical interview, there is 90% probability that you are going to get selected.
