TechMahindra Candidate-Experiences Tech Mahindra Off Campus Interview Experience - in MRCET Jan |   21432

TechMahindra Candidate-Experiences Tech Mahindra Off Campus Interview Experience - in MRCET Jan

Tech Mahindra Off Campus Interview Experience - in MRCET Jan 30, 2014 Hyderabad. Tech Mahindra off campus recruitment procedure Tech Mahindra Preplacement talk,on line written test, Essay writing, English speaking ability test and interview tech and hr Tech Mahindra first round was on line aptitude test which consists 170 questions in 80 minutes 

Second round was Essay writing - One sheet of paper with topic on the top of the paper My topic Was "Is global warming dangerous ? give reasons?".100-300 words

Then came the technical round, Everything happened very quickly. My TR was like this.

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) Tell me about your daily routine?
3) Tell me about oops concepts?

As I was answering the question he asked about inheritance which I answered first.

4) How do you Insert a Query?
5) What is the use of Javascript (I Wrote it in my resume under skills) ?
6) Any query?
7)Questions based on my resume.

Average time of others was 15 min so I was tensely waiting for my result outside.

Luckily I was called for HR round, a Big Relief.

HR asked me about my education background, 
family background, 
some q's from essay which I have written earlier, 
strength's, why should I hire you? 
he asked few technical stuff
