TechMahindra Candidate-Experiences.Tech Mahindra new and latest recruitment drive procedure, Written Test Pattern and Technical HR interview procedure |   46883

TechMahindra Candidate-Experiences.Tech Mahindra new and latest recruitment drive procedure, Written Test Pattern and Technical HR interview procedure

Tech Mahindra new and latest recruitment drive procedure, Written Test Pattern and Technical HR interview procedure. Tech Mahindra placement procedure starts with Tech mahindra PPT-Introduction-Tech Mahindra On line Written Tests, Essay Writing and Technical HR interview

Tech Mahindra Candidate Experience shared by Eshwar

Tech mahindra -PPT 10 Minutes -I'm from EC stream

Later Tech mahindra Written Test started
It had 170 questions to be solved in 80min.

100 questions were on English.

70 on aptitude and logical reasoning

For 70 questions R S Agarwal is more than enough.

If you have a very good English background you can get through 100 questions easily.

170 questions were subdivided into 9 sections.

There was cut off for each section

Key point is time management.

I e you solve till you're sure that at least (50+)% of answers are right in each section.

Tech Mahindra Technical HR interview

Out of some 300 members, 79 were short listed.

I was one of them.

After 3-4 hrs gap it was my turn of interview. Sad thing is they mention first will be technical and then HR, but depending on availibility they take.This may be disadvantage beacause if you knew that next round is technical you would be preparing mentally for technical. If it turns out to be HR then it may be difficult to free yourself to face HR.Same happened to me. my first round turned out to be HR which I thought as Technical.
He asked me to tell about myself, told, till then he looked into my resume.

Asked questions about extra curricular activates and a casual talk.

Till then the time was 5 and we were asked to come next day for next round.

Tech Mahindra Essay Round

The next we were asked to write an essay on any topic we like.

Later they called me for Next round. 

Now I thought it would be technical one but it again turned out to be HR.No technical questions were asked whatsoever.

He asked me about essay and am I ready to relocate to any part of world and I said yes, thats it.

and short list came after 2-3 hrs and there it was all my friends name, except mine.

I am totally depressed on what basis they select a candidate .

One thing I want to tell guys there was one of my friend who was not even sure of OR gate and AND gate truth table he got selected. God knows how and god bless this company.I don't hate this company but they fail to recognize real talent in people. To get selected this company there are only two rules 
*prepare hard for apti and clear it
*be fluent in english and jibber jabber in english perfectly
