Aptitude - General |   22622

Aptitude - General

Selection Procedure:

For us its online exam. Here the details.
They should keep save the answers in a particular subsection (ex. Logical and analytical reasoning– nonverbal in Aptitude test) and once done then save the answers and only they should press “back” button provided in the screen (Save and back buttons are provided in the application itself and do not use anything on the Internet Explorer)

The students can switch from one subsection to another at any point of time and can modify their answers within 40 min duration for English and 40 min for Aptitude test
Aptitude test: 70 questions (3 sub sections); 40 mins duration for all sub sections with no negative marks
* Logical and analytical reasoning - nonverbal (1)
* Logical and analytical reasoning - verbal (2)
* Numerical and mathematical abilities (3)
English Test: 100 questions (8 sub sections); 40 mins duration for all sub sections with no negative marks
Tenses (1)
Subject-Verb Agreement (2)
Sentence Construction (3)
Reading Passage (4)
Prepositions (5)
Confusable Words (6)
Building Verbiage (7)
Articles (8)