TCS Latest interview questions |   32977

TCS Latest interview questions

TCS Recruitment procedure is as follows:

  1. Aptitude
  2. Technical + HR Interview

TCS Aptitude (New pattern)


The new aptitude test will consist of 2 tests:

  1. Letter Writing
  2. Aptitude General

The Letter Writing will consist of words, frames to write a formal letter. The words given have to be used in the letter in the exact tense. There will be 10 minutes for this test.


Call-Mother-grandfather-pass away-urgent-leave-pending-10 days.

Write a letter to your boss to grant leave for you.

(This might look simple and short, but the actual test will have more words and the letter will have much more requirements.)

Note: This is the major eliminating test; most of the students will be rejected at this stage.

What you need to do?

  1. Be very direct and to the point.
  2. Don’t add unnecessary words.
  3. Proper grammatical usage.
  4. Simple English but proper business English.
  5. Proper Letter writing Format.
  6. Letter should be around 70 words (+/- 10 words).
  7. Adjust time, take 3-4 minutes to think of how to frame the letter. Next 5-6 minutes to type and correct the letter and in the last minute do a recheck of spelling, grammar.
  8. Do don’t include any word in between the phrase given.
  9. Don’t miss any word, phrase given in the letter.

Aptitude General:

This section will consist of 30 MCQ Aptitude Questions (Quantitative Aptitude + Reasoning).Time given for this test will be 60 minutes-80 minutes. I can’t remember the exact time duration.

Do’s and Don’t’s:

  1. Never for practice this test from R.S.Agarwal and associated books. This test will seriously deal with logical and analytical abilities of your mind.
  2. Choose any CAT Preparation material
  3. 1. Career Launcher
    2. TIME/Vistamind
    3. IMS

    4. BooksQuantum CAT by Sarvesh Verma, Arun Sharma (I personally feel  Sarvesh Verma book is much better than Arun Sharma only because it is short and sweet. It has all the important things that need to be known, all tricks, all samples, all formulae’s, just everything in a precise manner whereas Arun Sharma is also the same but has an enormous explanation to every topic.)
    5. One important book that I need to mention is Number System for the CAT by Nishit K. Sinha. This book only deals with Number System. This book will not only help you for TCS Prep but also for CAT prep if you think for a long run. This is because every aptitude exam will try to play a gamble between the student and the Number System Questions. This is the most unpredictable chapter in Aptitude and can have real tricky, awesome, difficult questions if you are not through with the basics. After reading this book you will analyze how less you knew before.

  4. This was all about preparing. You don’t need to solve all the problems from these books. But get through all the formulas and tricks given in the book, each and every especially in Number System and Geometry. Try to solve Level – 1 Questions from each chapter at first. If time permits go through the Level-2 Questions.
  5. Next and very important is to solve all possible TCS Questions from It will have more than 3000 problems with varied difficulties. Take a day off, copy all the questions to MS Word, take a print out and solve them one by one. See the solutions. Most of us have uploaded the answers while we were preparing. ;)
  6. Don’t mug up questions, answers (It’s a request). Just know the flow in which the questions have to be solved and the pattern to solve the questions. Everything (the problem solving procedure) has to be at your fingertips on the D-Day.
  7. On the D-Day, be calm as much as possible. Just calm as ice. Don’t think of anything.

TCS Aptitude preparation requires time guys, so I tell all of you to take 3 months time and solve everything you can. TCS now recruits very less. I could clear the aptitude tests only because I forgot to be a human being for those three months. Could sleep for only 3-4 hours maximum and had to solve around 10k+ problems each day. Last but not the least I succeeded because on the D-Day for the first time in my life I was as chill as ice. We had 69 students in our department, and I was the only one to clear from my department. In my life I won’t forget the night, when the results were declared. We had 350 + students appearing from our college and only 52 could clear the tests.

So Keep Calm! Word Hard! Everything is Possible.


Tech + HR:

As I am from Electrical Engineering background, the technical interview was more based on projects, industrial trainings and so on. They asked a few C questions (Sorting) and few DBMS programs (Join Operation programs) so on and so forth. The HR asked me to do my SWOT analysis. Some questions on TCS’s background. Why I want to join an IT firm being from Electrical.

       It was one of the best interviews I ever gave but unfortunately got rejected, later I got placed in a better company. So, don’t get dejected at any time during the process. It all about believing in yourself and persevering the tough situations.


Good luck!! 


