Whole-Testpaper |   15039



Hi! I`m venus from Patiala ( Punjab ),doing Electronics n Comm. Engg .. a 3rd year student from ShaheedUdhamSinghCollegeof Engg & Tech., Tangori, Mohali...  First of all I want to thank freshersworld.com for providing such a platform to find detailed versions of test papers n interview experiences dat one can actually (almost) predict what its all goin to be like..
The following is a preview of how it all worked out for me!!  

Ø      No sectional cut off

Ø      No negative marking

Ø      3 sections : verbal (20 mins) , aptitude (40 mins) , critical (20 mins)

Ø      If u don`t clear the apti, critical reasoning section doesn`t open.. so u NEED to clear this section for sure!!

Ø      U can do to & fro in the same section.. but once the time is over 4 a particular section, u will not be able to even view the previous section`s questions.. so, my advice wud be that u should keep attempting the questions as they come (as there`s no –ve marking) & just keep noting down the guessed questions` numbers & if u get free time in the end, then come back to those & try to solve them..

Ø      Don’t forget to submit each question after attempting.

Ø      Each question appears one by one in apti section. 



10 synonyms, 10 antonyms.. all from GRE BARRONS 12th edition

(Download this book from online..)

Just do the exercises given at the back only..

Some ppl try to mug up d various comprehension passages of GRE barons.. but I cud solve it then n there..
just brush up on urreading speed, n I guess it`ll be a cake walk.. 



There wasn`t a SINGLE question that was not repeated.. (I wud recommend d paper posted by `anuj gupta` on dis site itself 4 referring 2 d various solved numericals dat r generally asked..)

There r around 38 questions dat u have 2 do in 40 mins.. but trust me, if u`ve done d previous question papers, u`ll even have extra time left 4 reviewing n revising also..

Data interpretation question was asked too, but it as also easy.. 

Only if u clear d aptitude section, will dis section open.. so, u`ll knw dat if u`ve been scoring ok enough, critical reasoning section will appear.. just do d ones given in barrons model test papers.. n u`ll have confidence.. though d names will be changed, so jus don`t mug it up..

though, in my case, there were 3 passages with 4 questions each & i`d done most of d barons critical stuff.. but only 1 passage came from barrons n rest 2, I had 2 solve then & there.. so, keep ur cool even if u get a completely new reasoning passage..) 



There were in total 3 interviews.. a technical, an HR n an MR.. (I knw, sounds too many.. rite?)

But, believe me, if u`re done with d tech, u`re 95% there.. 


There were 2 interviewees n I greeted them with a smile..

Well, it started quite vaguely.. I introduced myself, n told abt poetry as one of my interests.. (I do write poems.. n don`t ever try 2 cheat abt urinterests atleast..)

He asked me 2 recite a poem n also warned me dat it shudn`t be on net..

But, because I do write, I was confident abt my originality n they loved d poem..

A ew questions abt my av subject, c++ (told me to write a program of Fibonacci series),more ECE subject based questions..  Then, he went down to my achievements, my strengths n weaknesses.. I couldn`t believe that this was my tech interview goin on with those questions.. anyways, when I finished of with it, I knew that I’d left a mark.. 



I certainly b’lieve that once u r done with d tech, u r 95% there & that really boosted up my confidence to grab the opportunity comin my way.. to get placed in TCS & simply go in there with the same drive.. give urbest shot.. n ya, DON’T LOOK NERVOUS AT ALL, EVEN IF U R.. otherwise they’ll pull urleg at each moment..

Well, HR & MR r mere formalities.. so, jus be in urown self, calm & composed but at the same time energetic enough to interest them.. 


N finally, I’ve been dying to write this.. SEE U IN TCS!!