General - other |   10348

General - other


Hi!!! Friends I am Sonu Agarwal of EEE branch.TCS visited our campus on 20th March.  The PPT started at 9.00am and went on for almost 2hrs.

They were very friendly and encouraged to ask questions. Listen carefully n if possible take notes as they ask questions based on company details also. They emphasized that they give more importance to fundamentals. So friends brush urbasics especially 12th physics and maths.

Do go through its website carefully!!!


There were 2 rounds

1. Written (90 minutes)

2. Tech &H.R.


The written was for 90 minutes .It was divided into 3 sections English, Aptitude and Reasoning .All from GRE Barons(12th Edition).English consisted of  Antonyms, Synonyms and completion of sentences.


The aptitude section consisted of all previous year paper questions

1.matrix 9,5  tell memlocation

2. wire problem Under river and on land

3. orthogonal pairs n probs on pie grarh n bar graph

4. pls go through prev papers all of them r d same


Reasoning consisted of GRE 12th Edition Model Papers. Some names or bits were changed but the answers were all the same.

1. Democratic ,Justice party etc

2. Three ways 2 go to office. Over the road, tunnel, bridge.

3. penguin publication,books bought heron publication etc.

4. Celtic, and other languages.

5  Big University and SmallUniversityproblem……


Most of us easily cleared the written easily and were called in to fill the forms almost immediately. So please be ready with your resumes ,photographs ,passport no ,pan no (if any) beforehand.Fill in the form only as per the instructions .


Then the H.R. round began. It was around 2.30pm.I waited 4 my turn.  It started with CSE students. I was called for interview at 10.30pm.Folks u need 2 have patience and do dressup smartly. There were 2 people ,one of them had given the PPT in the morning.


I wished both of them .One of them stared speaking French .I had mentioned a summer course in French.So beware whatever u mention be thorough with it.

We talked in French then he asked my fav subject

Ans: I told C++

He asked why not electronics subject??

Ans: I said I was comfortable with electronics also

He asked me to define a class of type bottle(There was a mineral bottle on his table)

I told that length,breadth,material would be its data members.he asked me what are methods?difference between methods n functions? Class bottle could have what methods and why??

He asked if an object con be referenced to another class object? Explain function overloading? Difference between malloc n calloc? Qustions from physics.

In which direction does magnetic needle point ?why does it fluctuate ? what is buoyancy,upthrust,flotation, archmedies principle,newtons laws of motion.

They asked questions from almost all chapters of physics. They shifted to RDBMS.

Asked difference between union and equi join. Queries 2 join 2 tables and get the details of all employees of a particular department ,to get details of a particular employees from a table etc.Basic computer architecture questions like bits ,bytes RAM,ROM etc

He asked what id ibdef.buf. a buffer type file used in all systems.there were many more questions.Both of them were asking with equal of them  who new French talked some more in French.I asked them 2 explain the 6-sigma method.

They explained elaborately and shook hands with me .I thanked them and returned.

All  through d interview I was confident n smilling.I said no when I didn’t know an answer exactly but tried 2 give some reasoning on that.


Next day in the evening the results were out and by Gods grace n wishes of my frens ,seniors n all I was selected.Special Thanks to all those who contributed 2 freshersworld and freshersworld itself 4 being so cooperative. So wish u all the best !!!!!

Prepare n I m waiting 2 meet u at TCS……
