General - other |   8554

General - other



Hi this is Saman Zaidi from Deptt of Comp. Sc., AMU.  TCS came to visit the university on 27TH march 2008 for 2009 batch. We were asked to be present in the computer center at 7:30am sharp for the aptitude test. There were around 300 studens from B.Tech and MCA . the aptitude started at 9:30 am. We were divided into six batches. In between the tests the ppt started. Unfortunately I could not attend the ppt. At 3:00pm the list of selected students was displayed. Out of 300 around 270 were selected. On the same day we were called for interview. So be prepared.  Finally 90 students were selected.

Aptitude test was an online exam…. Test Consists of 3 Sections… There was a clock on the right hand side which tells the elapse time.
1. Test on Synonyms and Antonyms (40 questions, 20 minutes: Also Q’s on Sentence Completion).
2. Aptitude Test (32 questions, 40 minutes: General Questions on Mathematics).
3. Critical Reasoning (30 Minutes: 3 Analysis Paragraphs and 12 questions Relating them).
4. We were asked to leave the psychometric test.                           

 Details about How to prepare for the above tests:
1. Verbal Ability:
 This Test contains Synonyms & Antonyms…Almost all of them were From GRE BARRON’S 12th Edition & upward…30-50% of them will be repeated from previous TCS papers. Few Questions on Sentence Completion were also there. For these also refer BARRON’S.
NOTE: During the Exam. You should be careful. because on the computer screen the names  Synonyms & Antonyms will be placed side by side so that we may by mistake choose an antonym instead of a synonym…so Be Careful..                     

2. Aptitude Test: 
This test will consist of very general questions…This is the easiest section Compared to the Other Two. Almost 70-80 Questions will be repeated from the Previous TCS Papers…just learn the method from those papers..same model will be given..(This happened almost all the times). If you have time refer to any Aptitude book of your interest…it may be  R.S.AGARWAL or any Other……

3. Critical Reasoning:
Here Starts your Problems…30 Minutes…12 questions..don’t think that there is a lot of  Time..these will be somewhat tougher those who has some touch with such kind..and will be Very Tough.. if you haven’t seen this kind,you should have some practice  relating this kind of questions…  3 paragraphs will be given.. 3X4.. 12 questions.. first 2 paragraphs will be   some twisty questions… like our arrangements questions… routes between cities.. like  that… and the last one will be on Data Interpretation… All the section  came from GRE Barron 12th edition.You prepare Data Interpretation again from BARRON’S…. but the remaining  from R.S.AGARWAL-Reasoning…. Or from Barron’s 12th Edition

Now if you are Alive Even after All these tests….then you have to face a Technical Interview…It may be on the same day of the Test.. so be Prepared in Advance…..The Interview will be done by a Panel of 2 members…. No need to worry.. They will be Very  supporting & Friendly.. when I entered the room there were many mosquitos in the room  and the room was very sophocated so they asked me o come in another room. Then they started grilling me but I kept my cool. They were also very happy with this attitude..   they take my CV and started reading each line.  First they ask us to Introduce ourselves… then they’ll go into your project details… don’t forget to prepare project…. They mainly concentrate on your project only…so be  confident on every aspect of your project… then you should have some basic knowledge on C  language. Be very sure on the areas of interest. Prepare it well. There will be some questions like “what is the o/p of this code?”, “what are the errors in  the code?” that… so be prepared for all the basic concepts.. If needed you have to write some  small codes too.. at the end they will ask some general questios like “Why TCS?”, “Where do you  see yourself in the next five years?”, “do you have any questions?”, try ask some questions… it  shows your interest in the Company..

Now if Chase this one too…. Then comes your Final Attack.. The HR Round… I many times heard that “I failed in HR round!”... Likewise anwers…. But you should not fail in it.. because it involves no technical questions… it just dwell into your innerself… so, be confident and frank while facing this round…They generally ask questions like “Tell about yourself?”, “Who r your role models?”, “What is your weakness?”, don’t say “I Have no weakness!”, just prepare a small weakness for yourself that causes no harm to your future…O.K.. “What is your mother tongue?”if your Academic background is good.. be prepared to face some Techies here too….If they say about reloc ation or medical check up that means you have been selected.

Some of the students have to face managerial round. With the grace of Allah I was done in the HR. In the MR they asked about the family background and management skills.

