General - other |   10410

General - other



Hi guys, my name is makrand. tcs visited s.g.g.s.nanded on 3rd of march 2007.  it recruted 55 people from our institute.

Cirteria:55%aggregate,no atkt,one year gap was allowed. No of candidates appeared for aptitude250. cleared aptitude 110,final selection -55.

A panel of 8 members was there.Each one was given some specifik task.At  start,they gave us the presentation of company.Please attend it and
try to take active part in it.They will tell full information about company,carrier,package etc.

Then they divided us into separate groups.Some students went for online aptitude  while others(including me) went for regular aptitude test. They will give all necessary details  about online test.You will come to know about your results immidiately if you are giving online test.

In regular aptitude test,there were three sets A,B,C.i was B set.

this consisted of three sections.
1.Verbal section
2.Quantitative section
3.Verbal reasoning.

1.verbal section consisted of synonyms(and no antonyms,read the questions carefully before wririting answers.),comprehension passage and answers. fill in the blanks passage. all passages were from gre barrens 13th eddition.

2.quantitative section consisited of simple mathematical questions.believe me,all were from previous years papers.So practice this section and give minimum time to this section.this time can be utilized in other sections.

3.verbal reasdoning consiste of 3 puzzeles.The difficulty level was  1.simple 2.avarage 3.tough.all these puzzles were from barrens 11th eddition. 100%marks  are fixed if problems from 10th edditin are done.

one important thing was that there was no sectiional cutt off. After this test if you are shortlistd,then a problem begins.You will be given Tcs form.You will have to fill up all necessary details such as address,academic records.

In your area of intreast,write the subjects in which you r confident enough.

1.Technical Interview
In technical interview you will be grilled for nearly half an hour.They initailly asked me about my area of intreast.All questins were from area of intreast only. then, a simple program on pointers was asked.After this qustions like why IT? will you prefer higher education?

if you are qulalified for this round,then you will  take hr and mr round.(its just a formality round,be proper in communication skills)

2.HR and MR round
He made me relaxed and asked very general questions such as HOW WAS THE DAY? WHY TCS? WHY NOT IBM OR ACCENTURE? WHAT IS EMBEDDED SYSTEM? then he told me about companys bond policy and said WLECOME TO TCS!!!
