Candidate-Experiences |   52836


Name:    Chandranil Chakraborttii  and Samya Bagchi
Stream:  Information Technology
College:  Techno India College Of Technology, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700156
Session: 2007-2011
Email id:
Status:  Selected
TCS came to Techno India for Recuitment on 28-12-2010. We heard they would recruit in bulk, but we were very nervous since it was our first interview. They took the aptitude test on 28-12-2010. It was very easy, 90% of the questions came from previous papers submitted here at pattern of questions are the same. Practise on after registering yourself there. It will be very helpful.
Out of 292 students applied, 232 cleared the test. I cleared the test. Attempted 30 out of 35 questions. One of my friend attempted 14 and cleared the round. So, cut off was around 14.

Then On 30-12-2020 was our interview at 7:30 am. We were very cool as usual. Our names were called and we waited for the panel to call us. There were about 45 panel of interviewers. After sometime, I was called. It was a mixed interview of both Technical and HR questions. The Interviewer was very friendly and cool.
Me: Good Morning Sir.
Interviewer: Good Morning, have your Sit. Be Comfortable.
Interviewer: Well, Chandranil, You know Software Engineering? 
Me: Yes Sir (Though I did not give Software Engineering in my subject of Interest.)
Interviewer: Introduce Yourself.
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: What have you learnt in Sofware Engineering.
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: What is Prototype Model?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: What are its benefits over Waterfall Model?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: If you build a software using prototype model, do you discard the model after acceptance or build around it?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: What is Spiral Model?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: Draw and explain it.
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: What is Linked List?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: WAP to add a Node at the Beginning of the Linked List?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer: Give Details of your Project?
Me: Explained.
Then he asked minute details about my project (I did four projects),and also asked about 20 more questions on Web Technology (HTML, CSS, PHP etc). My interview lasted about 40 mins. After That, he shook my hands and said "It  was nice meeting you Sir". I had a pretty good feeling as he shook my hand.
The result was declared 2 days after the interview. Thanks to heaven, I got selected. In total 162 people from our college made it through. They mailed us the offer letter the very next day.
Best of Luck to All!