HI Richa Gupta of Techno India.TCS came to our college on 14th Feburary 2008. A small piece of advice from me to all who wnna get recruited in TCS.After U follow this its sure that U will crack it.
The pattern of TCS is as follows:
Section 1:
10 antonyms(practise from Barron model test papers 1-5 verbal sections)
10 synonyms(previous yrs tcs papers)
fill in the blanks comprehension
To tell u guys truly I dint get time to solve fill in the blanks n comprehension
Section 2:
Quantitative:All from tcs previous yrs papers.Solve n practise it thoroughly.Dont neglect.
No need of even solvn R.S Agarwal.
Section 3:
logical resoning passages.(Barron model test papers 1-5 analytical sections)
just mug up or apply any other mean convenient to u if u cnt understnd.But dont ignore it.If U solve all the 5 test papers's analytical sections all the 12 questions of this section is at ur fingertips.
I hope this will help all of U tryn for TCS.