Candidate-Experiences |   7608



Hi friend's, I am Sravanthi Reddy, I am one of the person selected ,in TCS ,from ECE branch. 
these r some questions i remember

write down the list of subjects in dis sem
write any 5 interesting subjects n rank yourself in that subs among 10
these r some of the things i do remember about tcs
whats d diff between c n c++
basics of 8086
registers of 8085 n diff between 8086 n 8085
what happens if we use 'while(0)' in while loop
what r the type of errors in c
what is cdma,gprs,4g,3g
what is d most advanced cellular communication practically used
Diff between AC n Cooler
If u r in selection commitee n i am a student do u hire me n y?

how do u prepare for this round
what is your weekness n how do u overcome it
he asked me 2 puzzles
A situation is that:
my boss gave me n my frnd a document of 10 pages n wants to c who will type the same 1st.i am slow at typing n boss wants me 2 win. then how would u face dis situation.
why should i hire you
why tcs only?
tell me about yourself without including your education background for 2mins

Tell me about yourself
what r your achievements
he asked me some questions on the topics of my Paper presentations
he asked me about my sibblings n family
what is circuit theory
do u have d habit of reading books? 

Written: all the quant questions r from previous
