Candidate-Experiences |   13118



TCS Conducted Campus recruitment on 19-20 Jan in Greater Noida. It was a Joint Placement Of C-DAC and GalgotiaCollege.


There were around  400 student who took  the test. Package was 3.15 L for and 3.35 L for MCA and Mtech. 2 yrs Bond.


There are 4 rounds

1st round:   Online test is there, in which theyask Aptitude ,Quant, Reasoning questions.  

English is very Difficlut , infact synonyms and antonyms , even Angrez can not do J  

Quant was very easy. No need to waste  urmoney in buying RS aggarwal.

Reasoning was again bit difficlt,they ask faltu k question.


All questions are from Previous yrs papers in Quant. Apti and Resoining , do Barrons Model Test Papers from12 th edition


2nd Round: Technical Interview

They will scan ur resume and ask u question on urFav Subject, and Project C question, DATA structures, SQL,OS etc


3 rd Round: HR Interview

Wohi  sab OLD stuff: tell  abt urself, why TCS, Why shud we hire u, strength , weakness etc


4th Round: MR interview

Again, same stuff, why TCS etc.  


 Faltu ka sa  paper  aata  hai, jaise  marji kar  do

No need to prepare  any thing, just  go and do akad bakad  bombay bo.


All the best.


Atul Jain
