TCE Whole Testpaper |   11642

TCE Whole Testpaper


hi friends this is J.Vishnu mohan reddy M.Tech second year  from NIT Calicut.Morning 10am started with PPT followed by written test.we had TCE Engg Written test  on 10/07/2008. first let me say selection procedure

Written test of Duration 1hr
30 Aptitude questions and 30 technical questions.Each half an hour given one after other.

Aptitude questions: 3 sections.
Verbal section 10 questions
Numerical section 10 questions.
Reasoning section 10 questions.

3 questions
4 sentences given we need to place them n order
4 meaning
1) abundancy
 i remember only this
2 questions with fill in the blanks.

Numerical section
All questions are easy.form percentage profit and loss
Partnership and one averages problem they are easy. we can write if we prepare R.S Agar Val

Reasoning section 10 questions.
Puzzle test given with 4following 4 questions.

There are 6 rooms each side 3 rooms facing 3 rooms opposite side. C and e rooms are right side of corridor. D room is opposite to C room. E should not be any corner. E and F are in same side like these conditions are given.Followed by 4 questions.

2 questions are  given on below one.
2 machines can produce P& Q products independently.
Each machine can work for 8 hours each day.
The time taken by each machine is given by as follows.






8 minutes


6 minutes

6 minutes


1) How many products can be produced in day by two machines.
a) 240 b) 360 c)120 d)720
2) Minimum time taken by the machine to produce 48n products.
a) 7 hr 10min    b) 6 hr 15 min c) 4 hr 10 min

I got 3 hr 10 minutes as answer. And questions are given from reasoning are easy.We wrote in technical paper in Instrumentation& Specialization.Total 30 questions. 6 questions are from PID controllers. And remaining questions are on instruments
Questions are like this
1) if proportional band is 200% then gain of the system is
a) 200 b) 100 c)2 d)0.5
2) Integral controller is used for
a) to increase offset
b) to increase dead band
c) to decrease oscillations.
3) Proportional controller used for
4) What is dead band
5) Bio directional meter
a) Magnetic flow meter
b) Thermo meter
c) Turbulence meter. Etc
6)  if specific gravity is 3.546kg/cm2 then density is equal to
a)  3.546kg/m3
b) 3.546kg/mm3
c) 3.456gm/mm3 like this

7) Viscosity is measured in

Like this they are easy those who knows little bit about instrumentation.We are waiting for results. Today 4pm they will give.

