Placement Papers |   8062

Placement Papers


Hi friend
TCE is totally depends on your core knowledge.its very nice and tata group of company.I am going to share my feeling nd some question related to its recruitment. There are three round..... which three section r there

1>English....(easy one)
2>Analytical reasoning (time taken)
3>Aptitude (time taken)
All this paper having 10 quation each nd time is 30 min.

Next section is your branch related section.....if electrical then electrical...nd so on
In this section also 30 quation 30 min.
quation was plz b fast nd accurate.
after this written test a tecnical test is there.nd then some student r called for hr round nd thos called they got selected.
so all the best to all of u. 

sample quation....

2quation from antonyms nd 2 from synonyms.
jumbled sentense arrengement....2 q.
fill in the blanks....

Analytical reasoning
Graph is given related to that sm quation....
mathamatical resoning..(follow rs agrawal reasoning)
nd in aptitude it is series based nd profit nd loss 
rs agrawal aptitude book is suficient for this sm cut off point r there out of 300 in our pooled campus only 40 student r selected after written test.

Genrally they ask ur 4 fav subject.(i m telling about electrical) they ask quation from ur each fav sub plz prepared well ur fav subject.  as i told electrical machine,TD, basic electronics nd basic electrical o he sak draw the equivalent cirkt diagram of 3 phase induction motor,draw its torque speed charectersticknd bla bla....what is full form of IGBT,what is the diff. bit IGBT nd scr......nd lot of quation.......
b confident. dont bluff.....u will through...after that i was called for hr round goes 50 min in open air....they r very friendly....make us very easy....nd finally result was declared nd out of 2 electrical i m one of them .finaly they selected 6 student 2 from ee, 2 from mech, 2 from civil. so all the best guyyyy

I think this must help you to guidline for TCE prepration .

At last ALL THE BEST to all of you.