Tata-Groups Interview Experience |   2737

Tata-Groups Interview Experience

                                          Tata Motors Ltd Interview Experience

Hi all,
I have attended TATA Motors Ltd interview. Here I would like to share my experience with you. The selection process consists of,
1. Written Test
2. Group Discussion
3. Personal Interview (Technical)
4. Personal Interview (HR)

Tpes of questions asked in Written Test:

The preliminary test was conducted for around 90 minutes, online. The noteworthy point here was that, each question had a certain amount of time allotted to it (varying from 45 seconds to 3 minutes),after which the question changes whether we answer it or not. There was no negative marking as far as I remember. Further, the technical questions asked were pretty simple and theoretical (e.g. ‘machinability of steel can be increased by adding ?‘ is one of the simplest questions ). Relationship among families sort of questions were asked in analytical/reasoning section. 3 or 4 assertion-reason type questions also formed a part of the test. The quantitative section had questions which could very well be answered, given time. Unfortunately, the time available was less for certain questions. But it is a problem faced by most.

Details of the Group Discussion Process :

I started off the discussion questioning what growth of a country actually means, putting forward the ideas of immediate growth and growth on long run. Effects like GDP growth, increase in foreign exchange, raise in income, raise in standard of living etc., were stated. At the same time, the problems like brain drain, increased cost of living in cities, migration etc., were posed by others. Overall, the pros and cons were very well balanced with the result that, a few statements at the right time, while sticking to your own view point throughout might land someone into the next round. Statement analysis is very important.

Personal Interview (Technical) :

The technical and HR interviews together lasted for around 25 minutes. The technical interview was something which put me at ease completely, with the questions being asked from heat treatment and little bit of materials selection and design from an automobile perspective. Most of the questions asked were crude basics like

• What is heat treatment?
• Why heat treatment?
• Differences between different types of heat treatment?
• Engine materials used.
• Piston materials?

Personal Interview (HR) :

The technical and HR interviews were done together. The interview started with the universal question ‘Tell about yourself’ Later came the technical questions and finally ended with ‘Why TATA?’ Confident and relevant answers should be enough for the HR interview.
