SSB Interview Questions |   7200

SSB Interview Questions

                                      SSB Indian Navy Interview Questios

* Tell me about yourself

* Tell the neighboring countries of India.

* Tell the water bodies surrounding India.

* Which is the southern-most point of India?

* Any recent National, International and sports news.

* What lies west of Arabian Sea?


* If you are from engineering be prepared to be grilled in your basic subject.

* Questions related to Afghanistan, Myanmar.

* Who is stricter in your family? An example for the same.


* What do you do to keep yourself fit? If run/jog then calculate the speed.


* Are you in a relationship? If yes then how intimate you are ?


* Your strength and weakness.


* Why did you fail last time (Repeaters)?


* What special preparation you have done this time to ensure success?


* What are your other career options?


* Why you want to join Indian Navy?


* Considering the recent mishaps in Navy, if your parents don’t allow you to join Navy how will you convince them?


* What kind of guy/girl would you like to marry?


* Tell you percentage of marks from class 10th onwards.


* Suppose if God appears in front of you and asks you to change something from you past what will you wish for?


* How can you say that you are responsible? Give few incidents from your life to show that you are responsible.
