SQL-Star Whole Testpaper |   4838

SQL-Star Whole Testpaper

SQL Star Written Test Pattern and selection Procedure


Time Limit : 90 Minutes

Max Marks :75

Technical and aptitude tests


Technical Interview


HR Interview






Duration: 90 Mins

Max.Marks: 75


Directions:  Study the following mathematical problems. Encircle the right answer.

1.Falguni is eight years older than her sister. In three years she will become twice as old as her sister. What is the sum of their ages?

(a) 18                           (b) 21                           (c) 32                           (d) 38

2.What is the probability that two cards drawn from a pack of 52 cards are aces of the same colour?

(a) 1/663                       (b) 2/663                       (c) 1/1326                     (d) 3/1326

3.In a restaurant, a vending machine had two different taps to fill coffee. One tap can fill a cup in 2 min and the other can fill the same cup in 3 min. Ram wanted to fill a pitcher which had ten times the volume of one coffee cup. If he uses both the taps and uses only full cups to fill the pitcher, in how many minutes can he fill the pitcher?

(a) 8                             (b) 10                           (c) 12                           (d) 15

4.Rahul bought ten shares of Reliance. After a week, the prices of the shares shot up by 45% and exactly one week after that the shares fell down by 30%. If he bought the ten shares for Rs.1200, what would be the profit or loss incurred by him if he sells the shares at the end of the second week?

(a) Rs.18                      (b) Rs.72                      (c) Rs.108                     (d) Rs.180

5.Three numbers are in the ratio 4:7:5. If the product of the first two numbers is 1008 and the difference between the last two numbers is half the first number, find the middle number.

(a) 28                           (b) 42                           (c) 56                            (d) None of these

6.If 2a+3b=12 and 3a+2b=13, then determine the value of 5a+7b.

(a) 19                           (b) 23                           (c) 29                           (d) 34

7.Megha was selling tickets for her school play. On the day of the play, she realised that the ratio of the number of tickets she sold to adults to the number of tickets she sold to students was 4:5. If the sum of the number of tickets she sold to adults and half the number of the tickets she sold to students is 260, how many tickets did she sell to adults?

(a) 116                          (b) 160                          (c) 216                          (d) 232

8.Find two consecutive even integers such that twice the smaller is 26 less than three times the larger.

(a) 20, 22                      (b) 22, 24                      (c) 24, 26                      (d) 26, 28

9.In a survey conducted, it was revealed that 65% of the population of a town prefer tea of brand ‘A' and 65% prefer tea of brand ‘B'. If 18% of the population do not prefer tea, then what percent of the population of the town prefers both the brands of tea?

(a) 28                           (b) 32                           (c) 38                           (d) 48

10.From a set of ten cards numbered 1 to 10, two cards are drawn at random. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers of the cards drawn is greater than 5?

(a) 1/9                          (b) 4/45                         (c) 28/45                       (d) 41/45

11.A crate contained 120 eggs. While transferring the crate, some of the eggs broke. Which of the following cannot be the ratio of the broken eggs to the unbroken eggs?

(a) 1:5                           (b) 13:12                       (c) 2:3                           (d) 5:7

12.A store offered a discount of 24% on all purchases above Rs.1200 and still earned a profit of 14%. If the profit made by the store on one such sale is Rs.1064, then find the marked price of the product sold.

(a) Rs.10,000                (b) Rs.11,400                (c) Rs.12,500                (d) Rs.13,600

13.The average score of first eight games played by Shyam was 144 and the last nine games was 156. If he played 18 games all together and the average of all the 18 games is 144, then find the score made by Shyam in the ninth game.

(a) 36                           (b) 64                            (c) 81                           (d) 104

14.How many different arrangements of five letters can be formed from {a, e, i, o, u}if repetition is not allowed and if ‘a' cannot be the first letter?

(a) 72                           (b) 96                          (c) 120                           d) None of these

15.Find the next number of the series:  1, 3, 6, 11, 18

(a) 31                           (b) 29                           (c) 25                           (d) 33

16.Ram and Shyam decide to go to a neighbouring town 360 km away and they travel at 40 kmph and 60 kmph respectively. If Ram starts at 6:00 a.m., then at what time should Shyam start so that he reaches the destination at the same time as Ram?

(a) :20 a.m.                   (b) :45 a.m.                   (c) 9:00 a.m.                 (d) :15 a.m.

17.Three days ago it was the same day as it would be 25 days from now. If 28 days ago it was a Sunday, then what day would it be 15 days from today?

(a) Saturday                  (b) Monday                   (c) Thursday                 (d) Tuesday

18.Two men and six boys can complete a work in five days. A team of one man and two boys takes twelve days to do the same work. In how many days will a man alone complete the entire work?

(a) 14                           (b) 18                           (c) 20                           (d) 22

19.An article was sold at a gain of 10%. If the selling price had been Rs.75 more the gain would have been 15%. Find the original cost of the article.

(a) Rs.1200                   (b) Rs.1500                   (c) Rs.2000                   (d) Rs.2500

20.If the length of a rectangle is decreased by 20% and the breadth increased by 20%,a square of area 144 cm2 is obtained. What is the area of the rectangle (in sq.cm.)?

(a) 12                           (b) 144                          (c) 150                          (d) 140

21.In a queue, Prashanth was 11th from the end and Lokesh was 12th from the beginning of the queue. If there were four boys between Prashanth and Lokesh, what is the total number of people in the queue?

(a) 24                           (b) 25                           (c) 26                           (d) 27

22.The sum of two numbers is 198. If one number is 20% more than the other, find the larger number.

(a) 96                           (b) 108                          (c) 132                          (d) 144

23.A housewife due to an increase in the price of sugar by 25%, could now buy only 56 kg of sugar with Rs.700. What was the original price of one kg of sugar?

(a) Rs.10                      (b) Rs.12.50                  (c) Rs.14                      (d) Rs.17.50

24.The average weight of A, B, C and D is 40 Kg and of B, C, D and E is 50 Kg. If A's weight is 45 Kg then E's weight is
(a) 70 Kg                      (b) 80 Kg                      (c) 85 Kg                      (d) 60 Kg
25.Rohit beats Reema by 50m in a 1km race and Rahul beats Rohit by 100m in a 1km race. What start should Rahul give Reema so that both of them finish a 1km race at the same time?

(a) 145m                       (b) 156m                       (c) 184m                       (d) 212m

26.Ram undertook a job for 20 days on the condition that for everyday he worked he would get Rs.50 and for everyday he was absent, he would be penalised Rs.20. Upon completing the job he received Rs.300. For how many days was he absent?

(a) 10                           (b) 12                               (c) 8                         (d) 15

27.What is the area of the largest quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle of radius 9 cm, in sq cm?

(a) 81                           (b) 120                          (c) 162                         (d) 186

28.One fifth of a 60% strong alcohol solution is replaced by water. Find the strength of the alcohol in the new solution.

(a) 36                          (b) 48                            (c) 52                            (d) None of these

29.What is the average of the squares of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9?

(a) 51                           (b) 62                           (c) 68                           (d) 73

30.How much more should Siri score in the next test than her present average to increase the average of her previous eight tests by 6 marks?

(a) 45                           (b) 54                           (c) 63                           (d) 72

31.Kirti is twice as old as Lahiri. Three years from now the sum of their ages will be 42. How old is Kirti?

(a) 22                           (b) 24                           (c) 30                           (d) 34

32.The average mark of a class of 30 students is 45 and the average mark of another class of 45 students is 30. What is the average mark of the two classes together?

(a) 33                           (b) 36                           (c) 39                           (d) 42

33.The cost of eight apples and nine oranges is Rs.50. The cost of six apples and nine bananas is Rs.37.50. The cost of five oranges and five bananas is Rs.17.50. What is the total cost of one apple, one orange and one banana?

(a) Rs.4.75                    (b) Rs.7.50                    (c) Rs.9.75                    (d) Rs.11.50

34.The least number which when divided by 2, 3 and 7 leaves a remainder of 1 in each case is

(a) 37                           (b) 35                           (c) 85                           (d) 43

35.The sum of two numbers is 15 and two–thirds of one number is equal to the other.  Then the difference between the numbers is

(a) 6                             (b) 4                             (c) 3                             (d) 1


1.If   a b c is input, then the following program results                              

char x,y,z;

printf(“%d”,scanf(“%c %c %c “,&x,&y,&z));

a) Syntax error        b) runtime error           c) Segmentation violation           d) 3
2.Choose syntactically incorrect statement

a) return 10,20;       b) while(0);                c) return(5*2);                         d) none            

3.Find the output

int a=4,b=6;

printf(“%d”,a= =b);

a) error message           b)0       c)1       d)none             

4.Find output

while(printf(“%d”, printf(“az”)))


a) azbybyby…..                                    b) azbyazbyazbyaazby…..
      c) syntax error                                      d) none            

5.Find the output



         inc(); inc(); inc(); }

     inc(){static int x;



a) prints 012               b) prints 123     c) prints 3 consecutive but unpredictable numbers    d) prints 111  

6.What will be the output of the following?



 int k=35;

printf("\n %d %d", k>40);


7.           main()


    int ivar, *iptr;



    pritnf("%d \n",ivar);


   printf("%d \n",ivar);


  what is the output

a)5 1      b) 5 0         c) 5 6        d) 5 5      

8.What is the output of the program ? 

             void main()


                                    static int I = 5;

                                    printf(“ I = %d “,i--);

                                    if(i) main();


9.What is the output of the program?  

            void main()


                                    char *p = “%d\n”:

                                    int I =5;



a) compiler error         b) run time error                   c) print P,I                    d)none

10        #include

      int a=45;

      #define a 10





a.10          b.45       
c.Lvalue required        d Compilation error

11.Predicts error in followings

        display(char *);



                  Char string[ ]=”Hello\0 World”;


                  Void display(char *string)


                  Printf(“%s”, string)


a. Hello       b. Hello World      c. Type mismatch to function       d. Hello\o

12.       #define C -2






a. 89    b. –2          c. Lvalue required     d)None

13.       main()


                  Enum {A,B=1,C);




 a. 45           b. 1         c. Compilation error       d. Lvalue required

14.With every use of a memory allocation function, what function should be used to release allocated memory which is no longer needed?

a) unalloc()        b) dropmem()     c) dealloc()       d) release()    e) free()

15.       char* myfunc (char *ptr)



        Return (ptr);


   Int main()


          Char *x, *y;




          Return 0;


What will print when the sample code above is executed?
a) y = HELLO       b) y = ELLO     c) y = LLO            d) y = LO            e) x = O

16.       int x[]=(1,4,8,5,1,4);

             int  *ptr,y;

               ptr= x+4;

               y = ptr - x; 

What does y in the sample code above equal?
a) –3          b)0         c) 4    d) 4 + sizeof( int )       e) 4 * sizeof( int)

17.What is the output of the following program ?



main() {
typedef union {
int a;a
char b[10];
float c;

Union x,y = {100};
x.a = 50;
x.c = 21.50;
printf("Union x : %d %s %f n",x.a,x.b,x.c);
printf("Union y : %d %s %f n",y.a,y.b,y.c);

a)  Wrong output

b) Union x: 0 21.50000  n   union y: 100 d 0.0000 n

c) Linker  ERROR 

     d) Linker Warning : No Module definition file specified : using default

18. What is the output of this Program ?

char *p1=“name”;
char *p2;
memset (p2, 0, 20);
while(*p2++ = *p1++);

a)      empty string
b)      Garbage Value
c)      NULL

d)      0

19.       main()

int x=20,y=35;
x=y++ + x++;
y= ++y + ++x;

a)      57  94

b)      20  35

c)       57  57

d)      55 77

20.       #define swap(a,b) a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b;
void main()
int x=5, y=10;
swap (x,y);
printf(“%d %d\n”,x,y);

             printf(“%d %d\n”,x,y);


int swap2(int a, int b)
int temp;
return 0;

a)10, 5

b) 5,10

c) compilation Error

d) No output

21.       Predict the output or error(s) for the following:

struct xx
      int x=3;
      char name[]="hello";
struct xx *s;

a) Compiler Error

b) hello 
c) hello name

d) Warning : Structure is not defined properly

22.       Analyze the output


char s[]={'a','b','c','\n','c','\0'};
char *p,*str,*str1;
printf("%d",++*p + ++*str1-32);

a) 77   

b) Linker Error 

c) warning : str is assigned value but never used 

d) some garbage value     

23.       #include

int a[2][2][2] = { {10,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}  };
int *p,*q;

a) SomeGarbageValue---1

b) 10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

c) compiler error

d) no output

24.       main()

char *p="hai friends",*p1;
while(*p!='\0') ++*p++;
printf("%s   %s",p,p1);

a) ibj!gsjfoet

b) hai friends

c) compiler Error
d) data is insufficient

25.       main()

   static char names[5][20]={"pascal","ada","cobol","fortran","perl"};
    int i;
    char *t;
    for (i=0;i<=4;i++)

a) Compiler error: Lvalue required in function main

b)pascal, ada, cobol ,fortran,perl

c)garbage value


26.       void main()

            int  const * p=5;

a) 5

b) 6

c) 2546

d) Compiler error: Cannot modify a constant value.

27.       #include

#define clrscr() 100

a) 100 

b) clrscr()

c) output screen will be cleared

d) in valid declaration in line number 2

28.       Predict the output or error(s) for the following:




int i,j;

a)Runtime error: Abnormal program termination.
b)Linker Error

c)Warning: Function should return a value

d)Executes without any error

29.       main()
            int i=-1;
            printf("i = %d, +i = %d \n",i,+i);

a) Compilation Error in line no 5

b)Compilation Error in line no 4

c)garbage value
d) i = -1, +i = -1                                                                              

30.       main()
            char *cptr,c;
            void *vptr,v;
            c=10;  v=0;
            cptr=&c; vptr=&v;

a)ASCII equivalent value of c, 0


c)Compiler error (at line number 4)
d)48, 0

Technical-Operating System

1.Which is not process state in Os


b) i/o wait



2.Which one is correct

a)Soft real time is more precise
b)Hard real time is used used for washing machine

c)Hard real time is used for robotics

d)Soft real time  is faster than Hard

3.The reasons for deadlock  are  (Multiple answers)

a)Mutual exclusion

b)Priority Inversion

c)Priority Inheritance

d)Hold and Wait

4.A semaphore is used for   (Multiple answers)

a)Mutual exclusion


c)Resource management

d)Memory Management

5 .  _________________ is a memory _management  scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be noncontiguous.

6.  ______________ is a lightweight process.

7.    Internal fragmentation is caused in

d)i/o queue

8.  _____________ keeps track of a proceses creation tine as well as the cpu time that it consumes during its lifetime

9.  ______________-- required to complete a critical task within a guaranteed amount of time

10.   In polling mode the kernel checks each I/O device if it generated an interrupt or not. True/False?
