SIB Question Papers |   17894

SIB Question Papers

SIB reasoning papers


1. Which of the following expressions is correct if the expression Z > Y ≥ W < V is definitely correct ?
(A) V > Y 
(B) W < Z            (Ans)
(C) Z > V 
(D) Y ≥ V
(E) None of these

2. Which of the following figures represents the relation between 'Sparrows', 'Birds' and 'Crows' ?

(Ans) - b
Explanation :
Sparrows and crows are different from one another but both belong to Birds.

3. A 'Tumbler' is related to 'Empty' in the same way as a 'Seat' is related to '--------- '. 
(A) Occupied 
(B) Person
(C) Chair
(D) Sitting
(E) Vacant          (Ans)
Explanation : As Tumbler is emptied similarly seat is vacant 

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ? 
(A) Long 
(B) Tall
(C) High
(D) Short
(E) Dim            (Ans )
Explanation : All the rest belong to size 

5. 'Army' is related to 'Land' in the same way as 'Navy' is related t o '----------'. 
(A) Ships
(B) Battle
(C) Water           (Ans )
(D) Admiral
(E) Defence
Explanation : As 'Army' is related to 'Land' similarly 'Navy is related to 'Water'.

6. How many such pairs of letters are there in the woid RETURNS, each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) More than three        (Ans)

7.If each alphabet in the word FRACTION is arranged in alphabetical order (from left to right),and then each vowel is changed to next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to previous letter in English alphabetical series, which of the following will be fourth from the right side of the new arrangement thus formed ? 
(A) M             (Ans)
(B) J 
(C) P
(D) E 
(E) Q

8. Town D is 13 km towards the East of town A. A bus starts from town A, travels 8 km towards West and takes a right turn. After taking the right turn, it travels 5 km and reaches town  B. From town B the bus takes a right turn again, travels 21 km and stops. How far and towards which direction must the bus travel to reach town D ? 
(A) 13 km towards South 
(B) 5 km towards West 
(C) 21 km towards South 
(D) 5 km towards South             (Ans)
(E) None of these

9. What will come in place of question-mark (?) in the following series ? 
(A) NL 
(B) LO           (Ans)
(C) KN
(D) KO 
(E) None of these 

10. A disease would always necessarily have— 
(A) Medicine
(B) Bacteria 
(C) Cause             (Ans)
(D) Cure 
(E) Fever 

Directions—(Q. 11-17) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions— Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in colleges X, Y and Z and are currently in different professions namely, Medicines, Fashion designing, Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and Architecture (not necessarily in the same order). At least two and not more than three friends had studied in the s < ime college. C is an architect and studied in college Y. E is not a businessman. Only G amongst the seven friends studied in college along with E. Fis an engineer and did not study in college Y. B is an actor and did not study in the same college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in college X are neither Fashion Designers nor teachers. None of those who studied in college Y is a teacher. 

11. Which of the following groups represents the students of college Y ? 
(A) C, E, G 
(B) A, C, D 
(C) A, B, C             (Ans)
(D) D, B, C 
(E) None of these

12. Who amongst the following is in the profession of Medicines ? 
(A) E             (Ans)
(B) G 
(C) A
(D) D 
(E) None of these 

13. Who amongst the following is a teacher ? 
(A) A 
(B) D             (Ans)
(C) E 
(D) G 
(E) None of these 

14. What is the profession of A ? 
(A) Teaching 
(B) Medicines 
(C) Business 
(D) Fashion Designing             (Ans)
(E) None of these 

15. Which of the following combination of person, college and profession is definitely correct ? 
(A) E - X - Fashion Designing 
(B) F - X - Engineering 
(C) A - Y - Businessman 
(D) D - Z - Teaching             (Ans)
(E) None of these

16. Who amongst the following have studied in college Z ? 
(A) B, A 
(B) C, F 
(C) B , D, F
(D) A, D 
(E) D, F             (Ans)

17. What is the profession of F ? 
(A) Engineering             (Ans)
(B) Business 
(C) Medicines 
(D) Acting 
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 18-22) In each question below are three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known  facts. Give answers— 
(A) If only conclusion I follows 
(B) If only conclusion II follows 
(C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 
(E) If both conclusion I and conclusion II follow 

18. Statements
All districts are cities. 
All states are cities. 
Some cities are countries. 
I. Some states are districts. 
II. Some countries are states. 

19. Statements
All keys are locks. 
No lock is a door. 
All doors are windows. 
I. No key is a door. 
II. Some windows are locks
20. Statements
All books are pages. 
All libraries are books. 
All words are pages. 
I. All words are books. 
II. All libraries are pages. 

21. Statements
Some clouds are ashes. 
Some ashes are particles. 
All particles are elements. 
I. No particle is a cloud. 
II. Some elements are ashes. 

22. Statements
All ships are aeroplanes. 
All trucks are ships. 
All cars are trucks. 
I. Some ships are not cars. 
II. All cars are aeroplanes. 

23. Who amongst the following sits exactly between V and Y ? 
(A) Q            (Ans)
(B) W 
(C) R
(D) T 
(E) Z 

24. Which of the following is not true regarding T ? 
(A) T is an immediate neighbour of Z's wife 
(B) No male is an immediate neighbour of T 
(C) Q sits second to right of T 
(D) The one who sits third to the left of T is a male 
(E) All are true             (Ans)

25. Which of the following statements regarding S is definitely correct ? 
(A) S is one of the male members of the group 
(B) Both the immediate neighbours of S are females 
(C) S sits third to the left of T 
(D) W is a n immediate neighbour of S             (Ans)
(E) S sits second to the right of Q 

26. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of T ? 
(A) RQ 
(B) WZ 
(C) YV 
(D) WY             (Ans)
(E) None of these
27. What is the position of T with respect to Z ? 
(A) Second to the left 
(B) Immediately to the right 
(C) Third to the left 
(D) Second to the right 
(E) Third to the right             (Ans)

28. Who amongst the following is V's wife ? 
(A) Q 
(B) Y            (Ans) 
(C) R
(D) T 
(E) None of these 

29. Who amongst the following has a male sitting to the immediate left and the right ? 
(A) Y 
(B) R             (Ans)
(C) Q
(D) S 
(E) None of these 

30. How many people sit between V and S when counted in anticlock-wise direction ? 
(A) None 
(B) One 
(C) Two            (Ans)
(D) Three 
(E) Four

Explanation :

Directions—(Q. 31-35) In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give answer— 
(A) If only Assumption I is implicit. 
(B) If only Assumption II is implicit. 
(C) If either Assumption I or Assumption II is implicit. 
(D) If neither Assumption I nor Assumption II is implicit. 
(E) If both Assumptions I and II are implicit.          

31. Statement : Give adequate job related training to the employees before assigning them full fledged work. 
I. Training helps in boosting the performance of employees. 
II. Employees have no skill sets before training is provided to them. 
Ans : (E)

32. Statement: Take a ferry or a boat instead of a bus to reach the Kravi islands faster. 
I. The islands being in remote location are not easily accessible. 
II. Ferries and boats are available to travel to Kravi islands. 
Ans : (B)

33. Statement: The government has decided to run all commercial vehicles on bio-fuels in order to save the depleting fossil fuel reserves. 
I. It is possible to switch over from fossil fuel to bio fuels for vehicles. 
II. Sufficient amount of bio-fuel can be produced in the country to run all commercial vehicles. 
Ans : (E)

34. Statement: To save the environment enforce total ban on illegal mining throughout the country. 
I. Mining which is done legally does not cause any harm to the environment. 
II. Mining is one of the factors responsible for environmental degradation. , 
Ans : (E)

35. Statement: Banks should always check financial status before lending money to a client. 
I. Checking before lending would give a true picture of the client's financial status. 
II. Clients sometimes may not present the correct picture of their ability to repay loan amount to the bank.
Ans : (A)

Directions—(Q. 36-40) In each question below a statement is given followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a practicable and feasible step or administrative decision to be taken for follow-up, improvement, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume every thing in the statement to be true, and decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing. Give answers— 
(A) If only I follows 
(B) If only II follows 
(C) If either I or II follows 
(D) If neither I nor II follows 
(E) If both I and II follow 

36. Statement : An increasing number of farmers prefer to avail loans from local moneylenders instead of the banks owing to • complicated paperwork involved in banks. 
Courses of action
I. Local moneylender s who charge interest rates lower than the banks should be punished. 
II. Banks should simplify the procedure to avail loans so as to suit the farmers. 
Ans : (B)

37. Statement : Indigenous tribes living near Amazon forests are cutting down trees to cover their basic needs, thus severely affecting the ecological balance in the area. 
Courses of action
I. All the tribes living near the Amazon rainforests should be forced to shift to urban areas of the country. 
II. The tribes should be allowed to continue doing so as they cut down trees for their basic needs and not for commercial purposes. 
Ans : (A)

38. Statement : A major river in the city was reduced to a polluted and dirty canal after tonnes of sewage made way into it over the years. 
Courses of action
I. All those who dumped garbage and sewage into the river should be penalized. 
II. The g o v e r n m e nt should modify the sewage system and find an alternate way to dump city's waste. 
Ans : (E)

39. Statement : Water table in most parts of the State has gone down to such a level that its extraction for irrigation purposes is not economical any more. 
Courses of action
I. Extraction of ground water for any purpose in the State should be banned for some time in order to replenish the water table. 
II. The Government should make provisions for alternative methods of irrigation so that the farmers are not compelled to use ground water
Ans : (E)

40. Statement : A university librarian reported increased cases of theft of books from the library. 
Courses of action
I. Stricter security arrangements should be put in place in order to prevent such incidents. 
II. All the students in the university should be made to pay a hefty fine in order to replace the lost books. 
Ans : (A)

Directions—(Q. 41-50) In each of the questions given below which one of the following five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued ?

Ans & Explanation :  (c) Both letters from lower row change their positions in next figure in upper low. In square the black portion is moving 1 step forward in clockwise direction in every next figure. New letters appear in every next figure in lower row. 

Ans  :  (c)

Ans  :  (A) All the symbols change their positions as shown in the diagram. The same process is repeated in the subsequent figures. 

Ans & Explanation : (A)
The symbol (Δ) is appearing at same position in 1,3,5 and 2, 4,6 figures. The symbol (*) is moving forward anticlockwise in I, 1/2, 1, 1/2,--------design. A new symbol is appearing 1/2, 1/2, 1/2,..... step clockwise in every figure in lower row. 

Ans & Explanation : (E)
All the symbol change their position as shown in the diagram. The same process is repeated in the subsequent figures

Ans & Explanation : (B)
The circle design is opposite to each in (1,2),(3,4) and (5,6). The symbol (P) is moving forward anticlockwise and moving clockwise on its axis in (+1,0, 0,+1,0,....) design. The symbol (U) is also moving forward anti-clockwise and moving its own axis in clockwise and moving its own axis in clockwise direction. 

Ans & Explanation : (D) 
The symbol (Δ) and (•) is appearing in 1, 3, 5 and 2,4,5 and 2,4,6 figures. A new symbol is appearing in the middle of 2,4,6 figures. In lower row, the symbol is appearing on right corner in upper row in (1,2),(3,4) and (5,6) figures. 

Ans & Explanation :(E)
The symbol (­») is moving forward one­one step clockwise in every next figure (t^) the long hand and the short hand is moving one by one 45°, 45°, 45°, 45°, clockwise and anticlock­wise respectively.

Ans & Explanation :(A) All the symbols change their positions as shown in the dia­gram and a new symbol appears at middle position. The same process is repeated in the sub­sequent figures.

Ans & Explanation : (D)
All the symbols change their positions as shown in the diagram. The same process is repeated
