UPSC SCRA Pattern |   3929


SCRA Exam conducts on 12 th Jnaury 2014 UPSC,  Satart to prepare SCRA previous years solved questions for refer learn and practice. Referring these SCRA Questions with detailed explnations Written test pattern syllabus you can easily crack scra exam 


SCRA-2014Examination Pattern


            Selection process in SCRA is one of the toughest in the country. It is conducted in two parts. As a first part of selection, candidates are to appear in a written test, consisting of three papers. Each paper is of 200 marks, making the test a 600 marks affair. Short listed candidates through written test are then have to undergo a personality test/Interview of 200 marks, as a second and final part of SCRA selection.

            The pattern of the written test of each paper is objective type MCQs and the question papers (the Test Booklets) are set in English language only. In the question papers, wherever required, SI units are used. Question Papers are approximately of 10 + 2 standard, with a provision for negative markings. Candidates are not permitted to use calculators while answering. The Commission has discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination. Candidate are required to clear the cut off marks to be eligible for the interview.

Note : Since the answer sheets will be evaluated on computerized machines, candidates should exercise due care in handling and filling up the answer sheets. They should use HB pencil only to darken the circles. For writing in boxes, they should use blue or black pen. To change a wrong marking, erase it completely and re-mark the new choice.


Written Test at a Glance

IEnglish + GK + Psychology Test2002 hrs
IIPhysics + Chemistry2002 hrs
IIIMathematics2002 hrs
Total 600 


UPSC SCRA -Personality Test

        Short listed candidates through written examination will then be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of candidates' careers both academic and extramural. They will be asked questions on matters of general interest. Special attention will be paid to assessing their potential qualities of leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy, power of practical application and integrity of character.



Paper -I (General Ability Test)

English (as specified by UPSC)

            The questions will be designed to test the general understanding & command of the language, of a candidate.

General Knowledge (as specified by UPSC)

                The questions will be designed to test the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to the society.


How to Prepare for SCRA Written Test

For the General English : Practice the basic rules of English usage from any standard grammar book. Work on improving your vocabulary.

For Current Affaris :  Read "The Hindu" Newspaper, Listen to DD News and read good magazines, regularly. NCERT History books from class 6th to 10th should be read.

For Geography : NCERT 6th to class 10th at least. Also read a good GK books and if possible a year book. Focus on the areas like: physical geography, exploration of underground resources with special reference to flora and fauna of India, polity, history and society in India, social planning and welfare in India, economics with special reference to India's development under the five year's  plan.

For Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics : All the books related to IIT-JEE/AIEEE should be followed. Practice Maths a lot. Remember, a good command over Maths is always an advantage.

                Moreover, for giving yourself a focused preparation, you should make use of a SCRA specific study material. It would ensure that your preparation is on the right track which is needed to crack nerve wrecking competition of SCRA.

                When you feel you are ready with your basic preparation, solve previous years' SCRA papers to be well conversed with the specific trend of the exam. While doing so, time yourself close to the actual testing conditions. For smart management of time in SCRA is a big issue.


Tips to Prepare for Interview

All the best !!
