Science-Technology-General Knowledge Questions and Answers

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General Knowledge questions and answers from General science

GK questions from Physics,Chemistry and Biology


1. The satellite of Ecuador which was damaged on collision with Russian debris in   space?
     Ans: Pegasus. This is the first and only satellite


2. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Navigation centre was set up at _______________
    Ans: Byalalu, about 40 km from Banglore


3. The acronym ________  means billion of operations per second
     Ans: GB


4. A technology to provide high speed internet access over telephone wiring:

       Ans: ADSL

5.Which device is used to study the way and object behaves when the air flows over it?
      Ans: Wind Tunnel


6. The part of a computer that shows visual information on a screen.
      Ans: Visual Display Unit (VDU)


7. What are the machines used to check the progress of unborn babies still in the mother’s womb?
      Ans: Ultra Sound Machines


8. A type glass that is highly resistant to heat.
      Ans: Borosilicate Glass


9. The process of killing diseases producing micro organism in food items by heat.
      Ans: Pasteurization


10. Tuberculosis is caused by it.
      Ans: Bacteria


11. Which country in the world has maximum number of robots working?

      Ans : Japan


12. What is the name of the instrument that measures wind speed?
      Ans : Anemometer


13. A device used to measure the strength of magnetic field.
      Ans: Magnetometer


14. A strip of flexible plastic with magnetic coating that is used to record sound and pictures.
      Ans: Magnetic Tape


15. A method of growing plants without soil.
      Ans: Hydroponics


16. Electricity produced from falling water.

      Ans: hydroelectricity


17. The fear of being out of mobile phone contact is known as?

      Ans: Nomophobia


18. In which year did IT Act came into force in India?

      Ans: 2000


19. A new technology which provides the ability to create an artificial world and have people interact with it is called ?

     Ans: Televirtuality


20.The device used for locating submerged object sunder sea is-


