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SBI Reasoning questions with answers

Directions (Qns. 1 to 5)  :  In the questions given below, certain symbols are used with the following meaning :

A @ B means A is greater than B

A * B means A is either greater than or equal to B

A # B means A is equal to B

A $ B means A is either smaller than or equal to B

A + B means A is smaller than B

Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely True ?

Give answer (A) if only conclusion I is true.

Give answer (B) if only conclusion II is true.

Give answer (C) if neither conclusion I or II is true.

Give answer (D) if neither conclusion I or II is true.

Give answer (E) if both conclusion I and II are true.


1. Statements :

D + T;   E $ V;   F * T;   E @ D

Conclusions :

I.  D $ V

II. D + F

(Ans : B) Explanatory Ans : -

D + T;   E $ V;   F * T;   E @ D

After conversion

D < T;   E ≤ V;   F ≥ T;   E > D     or,    V ≥ E > D < T ≤ F

Conclusions :

I.  D $ V   ⇒  D < V :  Not True D is smaller than V.

II. D + F   ⇒  D < F :  True


2. Statements :

B + D;   E $ T;   T * P;   P @ B

Conclusions :

I.  P $ D

II. P @ D

(Ans : C) Explanatory Ans : -

B + D;   E $ T;   T * P;   P @ B

After conversion

B < D;   E ≤ T;   T ≥ P;   P > B      or,    E ≤ T ≥ P > B < D

Conclusions :

I.   P $ D   ⇒  P ≤ D  :  Not True

II. P @ D   ⇒  P > D  :  Not True

While considering the relation between two entities three possibilities exists : greater than,  equal to or smaller than.  Therefore, either I or II is true.


3. Statements :

T * U;   U $ W;   V @ L;   W + V

Conclusions :

I.  V @ T

II. L # W

(Ans : D) Explanatory Ans : -

T * U;   U $ W;   V @ L;   W + V

After conversion

T ≥ U;   U ≤ W;   V > L;   W < V    or,   T ≥ U ≤ W < V > L

Conclusions :

I.  V @ T    ⇒   V > T  :  Not True

II. L # W   ⇒   L = W  :  Not True


4. Statements :

P $ Q;   N # M;   M @ R;  R * P

Conclusions :

I.  P + N

II. Q $ M

(Ans : A) Explanatory Ans : -

P $ Q;   N # M;   M @ R;  R * P

After conversion

P ≤ Q;   N = M;   M > R;  R ≥ P    or,    N = M > R ≥ P ≤ Q

Conclusions :

I.  P + N   ⇒   P < N  :  True

II. Q $ M   ⇒   Q < M :  Not True


5. Statements :

E * F;   G $ H;   H # E;   G @ K

Conclusions :

I.  H @ K

II. H * F

(Ans : E) Explanatory Ans : -

E * F;   G $ H;   H # E;   G @ K

After conversion

E ≥ F;   G ≤ H;   H = E;   G > K    or,   K < G ≤ H = E ≥ F

Conclusions :

I.  H @ K   ⇒   H > K :  True

II. H * F    ⇒   H ≥ F :  True


Directions (Qns. 6 to 11)  :  Study the following letter-number-symbol sequence carefully and answer the question given below :

B D 5 F E 3 8 $ M 2 I K * P T @ U 9 A 7 1 £ H J 4 Q 6

Explanatory Ans : - (6-11)

(i)  There are altogether 27 elements in the above sequence.

(ii)  There are only 14 letters in the above sequence

(iii) There are only 9 digits in the above sequence.

(iv) There are only 4 symbols in the above sequence.

(v) The middle terms of the sequence is P.


6.  What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following sequence ?

5ES,   MIP,   ?,   IHQ


B)  TU7   (Ans)

C)  @91

D)  T91

E)  None of these


Therefore, ? = TU7


7.  Which of the following is exactly in the midway between the eleventh from the left end and the 7th from the right end ?

A)  P

B)  @   (Ans)

C)  T

D)  U

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  11 th from left end   ⇒  1

7th from right end   ⇒  1

Remaining elements between I and I :



8.  Which of the following is the sixth to the right of the twentieth from the right end ?

A)  5

B)  F

C)  P   (Ans)

D)  K

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  6th to the right of 20th from the right end means

20 - 6 = 14th from the right end.  There are altogether 27 elements in the above sequence and the middle term. i.e. 14th element from either end is P.  Therefore, our required answer is option (C). 


9.  How many such digits are there in the above sequence which are immediately preceded as well as followed by digits ?

A)  None   (Ans)

B)  One

C)  Two

D)  Three

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans :


There is no such combination.


10.  If the first fifteen elements are written in the reverse order then which of the following will be eighth to the left of the thirteenth element from right end ?

A)  M   (Ans)

B)  8

C)  $

D)  *

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  8th to the left of 13th element from right end means 13 + 8 = 21st from the right end.  21st element from the right end is equivalent to 28 - 21 = 7th element from the left and vice versa.


1st  ↔  15th  ↔  2nd  ↔  14th

3rd  ↔  13th  ↔  4th  ↔   12th

5th  ↔  11th  ↔  6th  ↔  10th

7th  ↔  9th 

Therefore, required element would be 9th from the left in the original sequence.

9th from left → M.


11.  If all the consonants starting from B are given sequentially the value of even numbers such as B = 2, C = 4 and so on and all the vowels are given the value of 5 each, then what will be the value of the letters of the word CUSTOM ?

A)  92

B)  86

C)  92

D)  96   (Ans)

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  According to question.


























































12.  How many such 5s are there in the following sequence that the sum of the two immediately following digits is greater than the sum of the two immediately preceding digits ?

3 7 6 5 8 3 2 4 5 5 4 8 7 9 1 5 3 4 8 7 5 9 8 7 6 4

A)  One

B)  Two

C)  Three    (Ans)

D)  Four

E)  None of these

Such combinations are:



13.  If A + B means "A is the sister of B".  A * B means "A is the wife of B", A ÷ B means "A is the father of B" and A - B means "A is the brother of B", then which of following expresses the relationship that "T is the daughter of P" ?

A)  P * Q ÷ R + S - T

B)  P * Q ÷ R - T + S    (Ans)

C)  P * Q ÷ R + T - S

D)  P * Q ÷ R + S + T

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  Option (I)

P * Q ÷ R + S - T

P * Q    →   P is the wife of Q.

Q ÷ R   →   Q is the father of R.

R + S   →    R  is the sister of S.

S  -  T   →    S is the brother of T.

Note :  The sex of T is not known.


(i)  Q is the husband of P.

(ii)  P is the mother of R, S and T.  

(iii) Q is the father of R, S and T.

(iv) R is the sister of S and T.

(v)  S is the brother of R and T.

Option (II)

P * Q ÷ R - T + S  

P * Q   →   P is the wife of Q.

Q ÷ R  →   Q is the father of R.

R - T   →    R  is the brother of S.

T + S  →    T is the sister of S.   

Note :  The sex of S is not known.


(i)  Q is the husband of P.

(ii)  P is the mother of R, S and T.  

(iii) Q is the father of R, S and T.

(iv) T is the daughter of P and Q.


14.  If the position of the first letter of English alphabet is interchanged with the position of the fourteenth letter, second letter wit the fifteenth letter in such a way that M is interchanged with Z, then which of the following letters will be 9th to the right of 17th letter from the right ?

A)  F    (Ans)

B)  E

C)  R

D)  T

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  According to question, the new sequence would be :

N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M   9th to  the right of 17th letter from the right means (17 - 9) = 8th letter from the right.

8th letter from right ⇒ F.


Directions (Qns. 15 to 18)  :  Read the following information and answer the questions given below : 

(i)  Seven friends P, Q, R, S, T, U and  W have gathered at the Mumbai airport.  Five of them are scheduled to go to five different places - Delhi, Chennai, Lucknow, Bangalore and Calcutta.

(ii)  Five of them are executives, each specializing in viz. Administration (Admn.),Human Resource Management (HRM),Marketing, Systems and Finance.

(iii) T, an executive is going to Chennai and is neither from Finance nor Marketing.

(iv) W is a System specialist and is leaving for Delhi.  U is an executive but is not going to one of the five places.

(v)  Q is an executive but not from HRM but has come at the airport to see his friends.

(vi) P is an executive but not from Marketing and is flying to one of the destinations but not to Bangalore or Calcutta.

Explanatory Ans : -  (15-18)  :  On the basis of given information  and conclusions as well as sub-conclusions drawn from them we can construct the following chart :

Person             Field                Destination

    P              Finance              Lucknow

   Q                HRM                  —

   R                  —                 Calcutta/ Bangalore

   S                  —                 Calcutta/ Bangalore    

   T          Administration        Chennai

   U             Marketing                —     

   W             System                Delhi


15.  Who is going to fly to Bangalore ?

A)  Data inadequate     (Ans)

B)  R

C)  S

D)  P

E)  None of these


16.  Who among the following specializes in Marketing ?

A)  S

B)  P

C)  U     (Ans)

D)  Data inadequate

E)  None of these


17.  R has specialization in which of the following fields ?

A)  Finance

B)  Marketing

C)  Either Marketing or Finance

D)  None     (Ans)

E)  None of these


18.  The one who is going to fly to Chennai is

A)  Not at executive

B)  From administration     (Ans)

C)  S

D)  From finance

E)  None of these


19.   How many pairs of letters are there in the word 'NURSING' which have as many letters between them as in the alphabet ?

A)  One

B)  Three     (Ans)

C)  Five

D)  Six

E)  None of these


There are three such pairs.

