Sasken General - other |   10641

Sasken General - other


Hi Friends!!!

I am Anuj Sethi, recently I got placed in SASKEN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES on 15th Oct. by God’s grace…



A total of about 600-800 students appeared in the campus selection, out of which 66 cleared written then near about half of them were eliminated in Tech. interview and finally about half of them were eliminated in HR.


The selection process was divided into 3 parts:

1. Written Test (65 Questions in about 75 mins.)

2. Tech Interview

3. HR Interview



Written Test:

It was further divided into 3 categories (No sectional cut-off and no -ve marking):


1. English / Comprehensive part (15 Questions): This part includes synonyms, comprehensive passages etc. This part was not at all difficult and no preparation for this part is required according to me.


2. Verbal / Analytical abilities(25 Questions): This part was also easy and Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal is enough to practice this part(however non verbal part is not required for SASKEN). It includes Syllogism/Logical Reasoning, coding-decoding, Puzzle test (a bit difficult) etc. I dun remember exact questions but m giving some similar examples.

(i) 3-4 questions were from Logic section from R.S. Aggarwal for ex:

            (a)Some books are pens.

            (b)Some pens are erasers.         and some options were given...

            ans: none (coz both the statements were starting with "some")

            (not exactly this question was there, but ya 2 of them were alike, as both the statements in them, were startin with "some")


(ii) about 5 questions were based on statement-conclusion. for ex:

            Statement: All athletes do not drink.

            (a)Mohan is a athlete.

            (b)Mohan is not a athlete.

            (c)Mohan drinks.

            (d)Mohan do not drink.             


            options: (1) a&c   (2) b&c   (3) a&d   (4) b&d

            ans: (3) a&d

(III) 1 condition on Puzzle test(Family Based problem, type-6 puzzle test under R.S. Aggarwal) was given and 4-5 questions were based on it. it was a bit confusing and difficult, so practice these problems well else if you find it time consuming and still not sure about the result then skip this problem.

            it was something like this: there are some family member: P,Q,R,S,T,U..

            -->P and Q are either males or females.

            -->R or S or both are males

            -->T or U or both are females

            (Q1) who is the son of S

            (Q2) who is wife of P

            (Q3) how many females are there etc...


(iv) 5-10 questions were based on coding-decoding. these were not too difficult to solve but practicing these will save your time.


3. Programming / C ability(25 Questions): This was most difficult part and you need to practice a lot for it specially on loops and on pointers other wise u can't do it.

Some of questions I remember were something like this:


(i) if there is a character pointer say *p having address 100, if we do p++ then what address will it contains

            (a) 102

            (b) 104

            (c) 108

            (d) 101

            ans: 102


(ii) for given pattern what will b the correct algo:


            12         22

            13         23         33

            14         24         34         44

            some thing like this... and some algorithms were given and u have to choose the correct 1.


(iii) 4-5 questions were based on loop problems. A code was given based on loops (quite complex) and u have to choose the right output of it which was quite hard to derive.



Technical Interview:

(Experience and Questions asked)

All the interviewers were quite good so don't get nervous about the interview... just be confident and don't bluff at all if you don't know anything, rather try to divert interviewer’s attention on the points/language/skills or subjects in which you are good, but do take care that in that thing you must be sound because after that they will ask each and everything about that particular subject. Like I said that my programming skills are good then he given me 2 programs to write and asked a lot about C++.

Firstly he asked about me and then about my aim...and to explain that...

C programs asked:

1. prog. to display prime no.s

2. prog. to display even no.s .


About C++ he asked me:

4. virtual pointers

5. runtime polymorphism with examples

6. to inherit 3 classes from a single base class in public, protected and private mode and also what is the scope and how data members and member functions of base class will b derived, used and their scope in inherited classes.


Also he asked me that what i meant or understand by telecom, i asked in what sense...he replied: like networks, what u understand by network or what telecompanies do...???


Also they can ask you about your projects in detail and other questions asked from my friends were:

1. to draw block diagram of microprocessor.

2. program to swap using function call by reference and value.

3. difference b/w structures and unions.

4. static and dynamic m/m allocation.

5. task scheduling.

6. multiple inheritance.


HR Interview:

Interviewer was a lady and she was very polite...the interview goes as following:

Lady: Tell something about yourself.

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: Tell about your family background

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: You have mentioned "adaptive" in your strengths...what do you mean by it and explain in what sense you are adaptive..?

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: support your answer with a live example...

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: any other instance or example that shows you r adaptive...

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: r u ok with the bond?

Me: ya, no problem...

-----then she signed the offer letter and handed to me----

Lady: congratulations Anuj!

Me: So am i selected mam?

Lady: yes!

Me: Thank you mam! thank you very much!!!

Me: Can i ask u one question mam?

Lady: Yes...

Me: Any negative point in me?

Lady: you should work a lil bit on your communication...

Me: k...thank you mam!

Me: Nice meeting you mam!!!



***For SASKEN you need to be good in Data Structures, Pointers, Computer N/W and programming skills.


***GuYs never underestimate yourself... i've done this after facing about 5-6 companies b4...

Always remember when God ordain luck for you... no-body can stop you!!!

Never loose your heart if u dun succeed rather try n try again until u succeed...

All the very best to you GuYs>>>

