Sapient Whole Testpaper |   12232

Sapient Whole Testpaper


The test was on 11th Aug 2007, in Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore

There was two rounds.
1)      Code a problem
2)      Tech Interview  - this was after a week in Bangalore JSS college


I hope you will find help from this info. sharing…!!


Problem(1 hour duration)  

There are three ICFAI exam centers, candidate can choose online these exam centers with preference. Ex like:

1st preferernce    EC-B

2nd preference     EC-A

3rd preference      EC-C


There are two classes  

Class candidate


   1st preference

   2nd preference

   3rd preference




Class Avail_seat







Allocate the seat as per 1st  preference, if not available, then allocate 2nd preference.

WAP to implement the concept. (You can avoid the main and not important codes).


I coded like this


Class candidate


   1st preference

   2nd preference

   3rd preference



 Public :

                  Int  Get_first_preference()


                          (char) Return 1st preference;



              Int  Get_second_preference()

              Int  Get_THIRD_preference()


              Date GET_DATE()

              {  }


Class Avail_seat






   Public :

                 void set_seat_A()


                      Seat_avail_in_A = Seat_avail_in_A – 1 ;

 /* so one seat will reduce from the total seat available in the ecam center A   */


                 void set_seat_B()

                  void set_seat_C()


                  int get_seat_A()


                      Will return the seat available in the EC- A


                   Int get_seat_B();

                   Int get_seat_C()




Other than the above classes, I took one more class, which is  

Class alloc_seat : inheritence candidate /* I used inheritance in my program also, so a syntax error…!!


    char seat_allocated;


   public :
    void seat_allocated(candidate_list[])  /* This is the main function they are explicitly asked */



 void alloc_seat :: seat_allocated(candidate_list[])

             /* program flow

              if date is the required date


                     If(Get_first_preference() = ‘A’)


                           If(get_seat > 0) 

                              Set_preference(); /* So the EC-A seat will will be deducted by one;

                              Seat_allocated = A  ;



                      elseIf(Get_first_preference() = ‘B’)


                      else If(Get_first_preference() = ‘C’)


                     If(seat_allocated == NULL) /* If seat is not selected */

                             If(Get_second_preference() = ‘A’)

                             If(Get_second_preference() = ‘B’)                     

                             If(Get_second_preference() = ‘C’)


                     If(seat_allocated == null)

                             If(Get_third_preference() = ‘A’)

                             If(Get_third_preference() = ‘B’)                    

                             If(Get_third_preference() = ‘C’)



                            Cout<< “Seat is not available on this date.”



                 Above code is only for a particular day. To do it for all dates which is in calendar…?? Check it out    

Tech Interview (Pure technical, around 1 hour duration)


This was on another day in Bangalore JSS college.

They will check your confidence, understanding capacity of a problem and also analyzing and solving capacity. They least bother about HR questions.

These are the questions..

1)      How you feel to study again(I was worked for one year)
2)      Tell me about your self

3)      Define the first round problem briefly

4)      Did you implement fully?

5)      I was asked to explain the program, which I did in first round

6)      Asked to complete what I missed in first round(Date).

7)      Explain static global structure

8)      Implement virtual function

9)      Do you want to ask any thing?

a)      Requirement of fresher’s in Sapient

b)      About the internship

10)  Will you work up to 12 night?

11)   Will you work in testing?

12)  Feedback was given on the spot interview panel


Be very confident, and be good in C/C++, OOPs concepts. Then Sapient will be yours..! Finally I got selected in Sapient with 3.6 L pa for first 6 month and then after 4.2+ L p.a. This will be increment depends on your performance.


All the best
Gireesh Ranjan B
