Sapient Candidate Experiences |   14308

Sapient Candidate Experiences

Hi Guys,

I am Satyam Kumar Baranwal from MCA in SJCE, Mysore. I am sharing my experience; I got during the recruitment process of Sapient.

The company came on 06/05/2012 at 9:00 AM; they have PPT which lasted for 1 and 1/2 hour.


Please be sincere during PPT, You will get the answers related to questions like.


1) What do you know about Sapient?


2) Why sapient?


3) Which you might be asked in HR round.


There were 3 rounds for recruitment process.


1) Online Aptitude

2) Technical Round

3) HR round

You will get the questions one by one on the screen. Once you go to the next one, you can't come back. No negative marking was there.


Online Aptitude: It contained four sections.


English: There were 25 questions that had to be solved in 25 min. Questions were related to Error finding, Synonyms and Ant synonyms, Comprehension.

Questions were not too tough, if you are little bit well in English, you can solve the problems easily. Comprehension was on last.


Quantitative Aptitude: You will have to solve 25 questions in 35 min, You can refer to R.S Aggarwal book.


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Questions were on Logarithmic, time and distance, pipes and Cistern, Time and Work, Boat Streams, Trains, Permutation-Combination.

Technical Aptitude: It also contained 25 questions to be solved in 35 min, Questions were related to C outputs, Pointers, C++, Sorting related to time complexity, stable sorting.

Logical Ability (Reasoning): It also contained 25 questions that had to be solved in 35 min. Those were not tough, you can solve those easily. Questions were related to Blood relation, series, Directions, Sentences arrangement, Word arrangement, Statement Conclusion.

Cut off was 500 out of 600. I don’t know how they calculated 600. They gave some relaxation in English section and changed the cut off from 500 to 450.

8 were selected in first round. They started the technical round just after the announcement.

Technical round: In technical rounds they asked questions related to C, Data structure, C++, OOPs concept, Some puzzles, You don't need to go deep for those all. Actually they were looking at our problem solving abilities. If you don't know answers just Say I don't know but your expression must have to be right.

They asked the questions like.

There are 9 cubes, 8 of them are of same sizes, one is slightly heavier, You have to find which one is heavier, you can use anything but whatever you use, you cannot use more than three times. Use Weight machine.

How can you print the values of nodes of a binary tree on the level basis? Use BFS approach

There is a single linked list, you can traverse till second last node and you have to print the node values in reverse order.

Array Implementation of stack.

Class and example of a class related to table

Two ropes of height 50 m are tied with the roof of a building of height 40 m, You have to cut the maximum ropes in height. There is no stair.

1) What is virtual function?

2) What is Hash Table?

3) Difference between DBMS and RDBMS.

6 were selected for HR round.

HR Round:

In HR round, They asked the questions like

1) Tell me something about urself, your academics, your family background, your hobbies, your interest?

2) How was your technical round?

3) Why did you get fewer marks in +2 as I have just 58.77% in +2?

4) Where do you see urself after 3 years?

5) Where do you see urself after 5 years?

6) Have you ever worked in a Team?

7) What problems did you face in the team?

8) How did you solve the problems?

9) How did you manage your team? As I was the team leader.

10) How do you solve a problem?

11) Give me real life example that will show how do you solve problem?

12) Why Sapient?

13) How do you get the information related to  industries?

Recently, what is happening in Industry?  I said "Barak Obama is opposing the outsourcing" as one of my answer, then they asked

14) Then what should we do?

Finally we all got selected.

Thank God.

